Social Work of Russian Orthodox Church in XXI Century (within the framework of the program of PSTGU Development Foundation)


Project: Social Work of Russian Orthodox Church in XXI Century


PROJECT COORDINATOR: Batanova Polina, Oreshina Daria

RESEARCH TEAM: Zabaev Ivan, Pavlyutkina ElenaPrutskova ElenaMelkumyan Elena


The research project is aimed at sociological analysis of the social work of the Russian Orthodox Church in contemporary Russia.

It includes empirical research, for example, monitoring (read below), and periodic thematic workshops devoted to the phenomenon of religious social activitiy in sociological view. Since 2017 we are planning to publish a periodic newsletter on the results of empirical studies.

The list of empirical studies starts in 2010:

Monitoring of church social workers attending distance learning course

Since 2014 in collaboration with the Synodal Department for Church Charity and Social Service annual monitoring of church social workers attending distance learning course was developed and launched.

Monitoring tasks include annual information gathering on people attending distance learning course, feedback about educational experience, social work of the parishes. Questionnaire contains a set of constant questions which should enable an assessment of a progress over time.
Another part of questionnaire is used for studying specific issues relating to the development of parish social activity, such as: motivation of social workers; typology of parish social activities, methods of implementation; stimulating and hindering factors; social relations in the parish (the interaction between priests and laity); social network of parish community and ways of involving non-parishioners in social activities (organizations, local communities, etc.); effects of parish social work.


Oreshina Daria, Vrublevskaya Polina, Zabaev Ivan, Pavlyutkina Elena. 2018. “Partnership parish”: cooperation of priests and laity in the development of the Russian Orthodox Church parishes social work in the beginning of the XXI century. Мoscow: PSTGU.

Oreshina Daria. 2016. "«Partnership parish»: the factor of priests and laity cooperation in the development of the Orthodox Church parishes social work in contemporary Russia ." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology. Philosophy 5 (67), 99-120, Moscow: PSTGU.

Yudin Grigory, Oreshina Daria. 2016. "Gift exchange and control of consumer credit in Russian Orthodox communities ." Sociological Journal, 22 (2): 110-134.

Oreshina Daria, Prutskova Elena, Zabaev Ivan. 2015. "The Social Capital of Russian Orthodox Christianity in the Early 21st Century Applying Social Network Analysis." State, Religion and Church, 2 (2): 6-29.

Vrublevskaya Polina. 2015. "Studying a Parish Community in a Small Town: The Role of the Priest and Other Aspects of Orthodox Communality." Laboratorium, 7 (3): 129-144.

Oreshina Daria. 2014. "Parish Community and Congregation Studies in Sociology: Contexts of Research and Main Approaches to Conceptualization ." Sociology: methodology, methods, mathematical modeling, 39, 99-126.

Zabaev Ivan, Oreshina Daria, Prutskova Elena. 2014. "Social Capital of the Russian Orthodox Christianity in the Early 21st Century: Applying Social Network Analysis." State, Religion and Church in Russia and Worldwide, 1 (32): 40-66, Moscow.

Zabaev Ivan, Oreshina Daria, Prutskova Elena. 2013. "Peculiarities of Social Work at the Russian Orthodox Church Parishes: an Issue of Conceptualization." The journal of social policy studies, Volume, 11, 3, 355-368.

Pavlyutkina Elena. 2012. "«Binding» and Responsibility: Aspects of Non-Governmental Organizations’ Work with the Homeless. The Case of Religious Organizations." The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 4, 539-554.

Prutskova Elena, Oreshina Daria. 2011. "Social work at ROC parishes: who should do it and who does? ." International scientific and practical conference "The social doctrine of the Church and the present". 12 -13 may 2011. Orel: Alexander Vorobyov, 265-269.


A book of reports «La bellezza della famiglia in Italia e in Russia: problemi e soluzioni» is now published >>>


1- 6 October 2018. Researchers of “Sociology of Religion” Research Laboratory and Ecclesiastical Institutions Research Laboratory participated in a symposium on family issues in Italy >>>


Members of the research laboratory “Sociology of Religion” participated at VIII International Scientific Conference “Sociology of Religion in Society of Late Modernity: Orthodox accent”, 4-5 October 2018 (Belgorod State National Research University) >>>


Scholars of the “Sociology of Religion” laboratory participated in the second international conference “Impact of Religion” at the University of Uppsala (April 24-26, 2018) >>>


The monograph ““Partnership parish”: cooperation of priests and laity in the development of the Russian Orthodox Church parishes social work in the beginning of the XXI century” is now published >>>


November 2nd 2016. Researchers of “Sociology of religion” participated in the working meeting at the Synodal Department for Church Charity and Social Service of Moscow Patriarchate >>>



MONITORING OF CHURCH SOCIAL WORKERS: indicators in dynamics for the period from 2015 to 2018 >>>


Parish social work of the Orthodox Church in modern Russia: structure and scope of activities >>>


Monitoring of church social workers: wave III >>>



On Community: Sociological Theories and Research Approaches >>>