MA in Sociology
Doctoral student
Research fellow at the “Sociology of Religion” Laboratory
Doctoral student
Research fellow at the “Sociology of Religion” Laboratory
Email ur.le1737652490rcos@1737652490ayaks1737652490velbu1737652490rvp1737652490
SPIN-RSCI: 3130-2170
ORCID: 0000-0001-7005-9591
Scopus AuthorID: 57208130661
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- 2017 — 2021 Doctoral Program “Comparative Religion”, faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology at Abo Akademi University (Turku, Finland)
- 2015 — Master: Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (Joint program with Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences), M.A. in Sociology
- 2014 — Master: Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences (Joint program with the University of Manchester), M.A. in Sociology
- 2009-2013 — Bachelor: National Research University – Higher School of Economics, faculty: Sociology
Academic interests
- Sociology of religion
- Qualitative Methodology of sociological research
- Social Anthropology
In foreign languages
Vrublevskaya Polina, Moberg Marcus, Stazjer Slawomir. 2022. "The Role of Religion in Society and Public Life in Light of the Personal Perspectives of Young Adults in Post-Communist Russia and Poland." in: "The Diversity Of Worldviews Among Young Adults: Contemporary (Non)Religiosity And Spirituality Through The Lens Of An International Mixed Method Study", (ed. Peter Nynas et al), 285-301.
Vrublevskaya Polina. 2022. "‘I try not to save my soul, but to understand it’: Young adults from Finland, Poland and Russia on a spiritual quest." Approaching Religion, 12(1), 149-164.
Vrublevskaya Polina, Moberg Marcus, Sztajer Slawomir. 2019. "The role of grandmothers in the religious socialization of young adults in post-socialist Russia and Poland." Religion, 49 (2), 201-220, DOI: 10.1080/0048721X.2019.1584351.
Vrublevskaya Polina. 2019. "[Review] Tocheva, Detelina. 2017. Intimate divisions: street-level orthodoxy in post-Soviet Russia. Berlin: Lit Verlag. 185 pp. Pb.: US$45.00. ISBN: 978-3-643-90873-5." Social Anthropology, 27 (4): 723-724.
Vrublevskaya Polina. 2018. "Sacred beyond religion: cultivation of individuality in post-Christendom." Nonreligion and Secularity Research Network.
Vrublevskaya Polina. 2018. "[Review of the book]: Andrej Kotljarchuk and Olle Sundstrom (eds): Ethnic and Religious Minorities in Stalin’s Soviet Union: New Dimensions of Research." Temenos - Nordic Journal of Comparative Religion, 54(2), 222-225.
Yudin Greg, Vrublevskaya Polina, Emelyanov Nikolay, Zabaev Ivan, Koloshenko Yulia, Oreshina Daria, Zueva Anna. 2020. Living in Debt: Moral Economy of Debt and Consumer Credit in Russian Communities. Moscow: PSTGU.
Oreshina Daria, Vrublevskaya Polina, Zabaev Ivan, Pavlyutkina Elena. 2018. “Partnership parish”: cooperation of priests and laity in the development of the Russian Orthodox Church parishes social work in the beginning of the XXI century. Мoscow: PSTGU.
Prutskova Elena, Markin Kirill, Vrublevskaya Polina. 2020. "Q-methodology in the study of "weak religiosity""." Research result. Sociology and Management, 6 (3).
Vrublevskaya Polina. 2020. "Narrativy rossijskih studentov: problema samoopredeleniya v kategoriyah religioznogo i duhovnogo [Narratives of Russian students: difficulties of self-identification with the categories of religious and spiritual] in (ed. Anisimov R.) ." Sociological Narrative 2020. Society in turbulence era: quests, threats and perspectives [Sociologicheskij narrativ 2020. Obshchestvo v epohu turbulentnosti: poiski, ugrozy i perspektivy], 142-150, Moscow: Russian State University for the Humanities.
Vrublevskaya Polina. 2016. "On forthcoming perspectives of solidarity: religion and morality in E. Durkheim’ social theory." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology. Philosophy 4 (66), 67-83, Moscow: PSTGU.
Vrublevskaya Polina. 2016. "Circulation of children’ items in Christian Orthodox parish: observations to the gift exchange theory." Researches in Religious Studies, 1 (13): 103-127.
Vrublevskaya Polina. 2015. "Religiosity: Weltanschauung and course of action ." In Miscellany “Development Vectors of Modern Russia: From Forming Values to Inventing Traditions”, 231-237, Moscow: MSSES.
Vrublevskaya Polina. 2015. "Studying a Parish Community in a Small Town: The Role of the Priest and Other Aspects of Orthodox Communality." Laboratorium, 7 (3): 129-144.
Vrublevskaya Polina. 2014. "Orthodox religion as a system of perception: the study of participation in a church wedding ceremony ." In Miscellany «Beliefs and religion of modern Russia, 90-101, Moscow: "SREDA".
Vrublevskaya Polina. 2013. "Study on church wedding ritual: observing the order of orthodox Christian semantic system ." Sociology of power, №1-2, 99-110, Moscow: RANEPA.
Vrublevskaya Polina. 2019. "[Review] Tocheva, Detelina. 2017. Intimate divisions: street-level orthodoxy in post-Soviet Russia. Berlin: Lit Verlag. 185 pp. Pb.: US$45.00. ISBN: 978-3-643-90873-5." Social Anthropology, 27 (4): 723-724.
Vrublevskaya Polina. 2018. "What We Can’t Talk About Should Be Imagined (Review of: Zygmont, A. (2018) Sviataia negativnost’. Nasilie i sakral’noe v filosofii Zh. Bataia [Sacred negativity. Violence and the sacred in the philosophy of Georges Bataille]. M.: Novoe literaturnoe obozre." State, Religion and Church in Russia and Worldwide 36(4), 342-349.
Vrublevskaya Polina. 2018. "[Review of the book]: Rass F. D. Die Suche nach Wahrheit im Horizont fragmentarischer Existenzialitat — Eine Studie uber den Sinn der Frage nach Gott in der Gegenwart in Auseinandersetzung mit Gianni Vattimo, John D. Caputo und Jean-Luc Nancy." Vestnik PSTGU, Series I: Theology, Philosophy, Religious studies, 1 (79), 149-153.
Vrublevskaya Polina, Simonova Olga. 2013. "[Review] Wray M., Colen C., Pescolido B. The sociology of suicide // Annual Review of Sociology. – Palo Alto (CA), 2011. – vol. 37. – p. 505–528 ." 2, 89-101, Moscow: Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences RAS.
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