PhD in Sociology
Scientific Advisor at the “Sociology of Religion” Laboratory
St.Tikhon’s Orthodox University
professor, Theology faculty
Scientific Advisor at the “Sociology of Religion” Laboratory
St.Tikhon’s Orthodox University
professor, Theology faculty
Email ur.le1739471339rcos@1739471339vi-ve1739471339abaz1739471339
SPIN-RSCI: 1529-0575
Scopus AuthorID: 57200390729
Home pageResearch ProjectsPublicationsIn News
- 2006 – Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Sociology: National Research University – Higher School of Economics.
- 2002-2005 – National Research University – Higher School of Economics, Ph.D. program in Sociology
- 2001-2002 – Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences (Joint program with the University of Manchester), M.A. in Sociology
- 1997-2002 – National Research University – Higher School of Economics, Specialist in Sociology
- 2013 – Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore, Milano, Italy, supported by the Cariplo Foundation in cooperation with Landau Network – Centro Volta (scientific advisor – dr. G.Rovatti)
- 2009 – Germany, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg (scientific advisor – dr. prof. R. Münch)
- 2010-2011 – Germany, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg (scientific advisor – dr. prof. R. Münch)
- 2011 – Germany, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (scientific advisor – dr. prof. H. Ohme)
Academic interests
- Sociology of religion
- Methodology of social sciences
- Qualitative research
In foreign languages
Zabaev Ivan. 2021. "Exalting the Other: Remark on Pope Francis theses on Vocation in Christus Vivit." In K. Csiszar, J. Pock, & J. Vik (Eds.), Pastoraltheologie in Mitteleuropa: Bestandsaufnahme und Entwicklungsmoglichkeiten, 111-128, Matthias Grunewald Verlag.
Ackert, Michael, Prutskova Elena, Zabaev Ivan. 2020. "Validation of the Short Forms of Centrality of Religiosity Scale in Russia." Religions, 11 (11): 1-35.
Zabaev Ivan. 2019. "Humility in the Economic Ethics of the Russian Orthodox Church: The Use of Max Weber’s Sociology of Religion for an Analysis of Contemporary Russian Orthodoxy." State, Religion, and Church, 6 (2): 4-28.
Zabaev Ivan, Prutskova Elena. 2019. "The Calling and Humility Scale: Extending the Weberian Approach to the Research of the Elective Affinity between Religion and the Economy." Russian Sociological Review, 18 (2): 62-88.
Zabaev Ivan. 2019. "Umilta e famiglia. Impostazione del problema nell’ambito della sociologia weberiana." La bellezza della famiglia in Italia e in Russia: problemi e soluzioni, 163-170, ISBN 978-88-98080-30-4. Pharus Editore Librario. Livorno, Italia.
Zabaev Ivan, Mikhaylova Yana, Oreshina Daria. 2018. "Neither public nor private religion: the Russian Orthodox Church in the public sphere of contemporary Russia." Journal of Contemporary Religion, 33 (1): 17-38.
Oreshina Daria, Prutskova Elena, Zabaev Ivan. 2015. "The Social Capital of Russian Orthodox Christianity in the Early 21st Century Applying Social Network Analysis." State, Religion and Church, 2 (2): 6-29.
Zabaev Ivan. 2015. "The Economic Ethics of Contemporary Russian Orthodox Christianity: A Weberian Perspective." Journal of Economic Sociology (4): 148-168.
Zabaev Ivan, Zueva Anna, Koloshenko Yuliya. 2015. "Zabaev I. V. , Zueva A. V. , Koloshenko Y. A.
Humility and The Gift: The Elective Affinity of Institutions and Ethics in Orthodox Parishes." Journal of Economic Sociology (5): 118-139, Moscow.
Zabaev Ivan. 2012. "Orthodox Ethic and the Spirit of Socialism. Towards a Substantiation of the Hypothesis [in Serbian]." Philosophy and Society, 23 (1): 1-20.
Zabaev Ivan. 2011. "Concept of “Ethics” in M. Weber’s book “Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”. It’s implication for the analysis of Russian Orthodox Church economic ethics." Crossroads Digest. The journal for the studies of Eastern European borderland, 6, 79-89.
Yudin Greg, Vrublevskaya Polina, Emelyanov Nikolay, Zabaev Ivan, Koloshenko Yulia, Oreshina Daria, Zueva Anna. 2020. Living in Debt: Moral Economy of Debt and Consumer Credit in Russian Communities. Moscow: PSTGU.
Oreshina Daria, Vrublevskaya Polina, Zabaev Ivan, Pavlyutkina Elena. 2018. “Partnership parish”: cooperation of priests and laity in the development of the Russian Orthodox Church parishes social work in the beginning of the XXI century. Мoscow: PSTGU.
Zabaev Ivan, Melkumyan Elena, Pavlyutkin Ivan, Pavlyutkina Elena, Prutskova Elena, Oreshina Daria. 2015. The Invisible Church: Social Effects of the Parish Community in Russian Orthodoxy. Collection of Articles of the Research Seminar “Sociology of Religion” (2011–2014). Moscow: PSTGU.
Zabaev Ivan. 2012. Categories of Contemporary Russian Orthodox Church Economic Ethics: Sociological Analysis. Moscow: PSTGU.
Zabaev Ivan, Emeliyanov Nikolay, Pavlenko Ekaterina, Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2012. Family and childbearing in Russia. Categories of parental mind. Moscow: PSTGU.
Zabaev Ivan, Oreshina Daria, Prutskova Elena. 2012. Three Moscow parishes: main socio-demographic characteristics and attitudes of the large parish communities members. Moscow: PSTGU (Reissued in 2016).
Zabaev Ivan. 2005. The basic Methodological Concepts of Max Weber’s Historical Sociology. Moscow: MSSES.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2023. "Trans. from German: Luhmann Niklas. Das Kind als Medium der Erziehung." (ed. Zabaev Ivan), Moscow: PSTGU.
Zabaev Ivan, Kostrova Elizaveta. 2014. "Trans. from German: Luckman Thomas. An Afterword to the German Edition of The Invisible Religion." Russian Sociological Review, 1 (13): 139-154, Moscow.
Zabaev Ivan, Kostrova Elizaveta. 2023. "The Russian Paradox of Religion and Fertility. Specification of the Problem and Development of an Explanatory Hypothesis." Vestnik Pravoslavnogo Sviato-Tikhonovskogo gumanitarnogo universiteta. Seriia I : Bogoslovie. Filosofiia. Religiovedenie. Iss. 108, 89-111, DOI: 10.15382/sturI2023108.89-111 (in Russian).
Zabaev Ivan. 2022. "Humility and mutuality: an analysis of ethos of contemporary Russian orthodoxy." Vestnik Pravoslavnogo Sviato-Tikhonovskogo gumanitarnogo universiteta. Seriia I : Bogoslovie. Filosofiia. Religiovedenie. Iss. (in Russian), 102, Doi: 10.15382/sturI2022102.87-11, 87-116.
Zabaev Ivan, Kostrova Elizaveta, Goleva Mariia. 2022. "Samorealizatsiya i deti: logiki ispol'zovaniya prostranstva v narrativakh rossiyanok [Self-realization and Children: Logics of Space Usage in the Narratives of Russian Women]." The Russian Sociological Review. 21(3), Doi: 10.17323/1728-192x-2022-3-1, 127-154.
Zabaev Ivan, Kostrova Elizaveta. 2020. "Ethos versus Habitus: the Ethical Component in Max Weber’s “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”
." Sociology of Power, 32 (4): 45-67, Doi: 10.22394/2074-0492-2020-4-45-67.
Zabaev Ivan. 2019. "A Nietzschean Take on a Hundred-Dollar Bill: Reading Weber’s “Protestant Ethic” in Connection with a Contemporary Economist’s Comments." Journal of Economic Sociology, Vol.20. No1, 20-71.
Zabaev Ivan. 2018. "Humility and Economic Ethics of the Russian Orthodox Church." State, Religion and Church, 4(36), 175-202.
Zabaev Ivan, Zueva Anna, Koloshenko Julia. 2018. "Humility and The Gift: The Elective Affinity of Institutions and Ethics in Orthodox Parishes." Research result. Sociology and management. Vol. 4, № 1.
Zabaev Ivan, Mikhaylova Yana, Oreshina Daria. 2018. "Neither public nor private religion: the Russian Orthodox Church in the public sphere of contemporary Russia." Journal of Contemporary Religion, 33 (1): 17-38.
Zabaev Ivan. 2018. "Religion and Economics: Can We Still Rely on Max Weber?" Russian Sociological Review, 17 (3): 107-148.
Zabaev Иван. 2018. "Operationalization of the concept of humility in psychology." St. Tikhon’s University Review. Series I: Theology. Philosophy. Religious studies. Vol. 76, 107-129.
Pavlyutkin Ivan, Zabaev Ivan . 2014. "University and Two Meanings of Responsibility: Objectification of Social Effects of Educational Institutions (by the example of a survey among graduates of an Orthodox university)." Educational studies (2): 202-221.
Zabaev Ivan, Oreshina Daria, Prutskova Elena. 2014. "Social Capital of the Russian Orthodox Christianity in the Early 21st Century: Applying Social Network Analysis." State, Religion and Church in Russia and Worldwide, 1 (32): 40-66, Moscow.
Prutskova Elena, Zabaev Ivan. 2013. "Social network analysis as a research method for evaluation of the social dimension of religiosity." Man and Religion. , 82-86, Minsk: Izdatelskiy Center BGU. Izdatelstvo "Chetire Chetverti".
Zabaev Ivan, Prutskova Elena. 2013. "Factors of community development at Russian Orthodox Church parishes in the beginning of the 21st century. A survey of priests, parishioners, and social workers of Moscow parishes." Moscow State University Bulletin, Series 18. Sociology and Political Science, 115-125.
Zabaev Ivan, Oreshina Daria, Prutskova Elena. 2013. "Peculiarities of Social Work at the Russian Orthodox Church Parishes: an Issue of Conceptualization." The journal of social policy studies, Volume, 11, 3, 355-368.
Zabaev Ivan, Melkumyan Elena, Oreshina Daria, Pavlyutkin Ivan, Prutskova Elena. 2013. "The impact of religious socialization and belonging to a religious community on fertility. The problem formulation." Demoscope Weekly, 553.
Zabaev Ivan, Prutskova Elena. 2013. "The social network of the Orthodox parish community: possibilities for applying the Analysis of social networks to the sociology of religion." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology, 4 (48): 120-136.
Prutskova Elena, Zabaev Ivan. 2012. "The community of the Orthodox parish church: space, place, and the formative factors of the parish community with Moscow as an example." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology, 3 (41): 57-67.
Zabaev Ivan. 2012. "Empirical approach in practical theology (the example based on J.Van der Ven’s work analysis)." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology, 5 (43): 33-46.
Zabaev Ivan, Prutskova Elena. 2012. "Social support networks in Orthodox church community. Based on a survey of 3 large Moscow parishes." VI theoretical and practical conference "Contemporary sociology for contemporary Russia": Collection of articles in memoriam of the first Dean of the Faculty of Sociology at NRU HSE, A.O. Kryshtanovsky. 1-3 February 2012. Moscow. Moscow: NRU HSE, 598-608.
Zabaev Ivan, Prutskova Elena. 2012. "“Network” concept in social sciences. An application for parish research in the beginning of the XXI century." 4th Regular All-Russian Sociological Congress “Sociology and society: global challenges and regional development” . Moscow: ROS, 4732-4739.
Zabaev Ivan. 2011. "Grounded theory logics of data analysis: B.Glaeser’s version." Sociology: methodology, procedures and mathematical models, 32, 124-142.
Zabaev Ivan. 2011. "Problem of “individualism” in contemporary Russian orthodox Christianity (based on biographical interviews with parishioners and expert interviews with priests of Russian Orthodox Church)." Parishes and communities in contemporary orthodox Christianity: root structure of Russian religiosity, Moscow: VES MIr, 341-354.
Zabaev Ivan. 2011. "Rationality, responsibility and medicine: a problem of childbearing motivation in Russia at the beginning of the XXI century." Economic Sociology, Vol. 12, 2, 21-48.
Zabaev Ivan. 2010. "Contemporary Pentecostal economic ethic: Critical analysis of the proceedings by D.Martin." Sociological Magazin, 3, 90-106.
Zabaev Ivan. 2010. "Problem of Pentecostal Ethic in the works of D.Martin." Sociological Journal, 3, 90-106.
Zabaev Ivan. 2010. "The problem of childbearing motivation and continuity of reproductive behavior." Demoscope Weekly, 447.
Zabaev Ivan. 2010. "“Own life”, education, childbearing: Motivation of reproductive behavior in modern Russia ." Bulletin of public opinion. Data. Analysis. Discussion., 3 (105): 87-97.
Zabaev Ivan. 2009. "Image of a child in the vision of russian megapolis citizens. Study, based on the materials of biographical interviews with Russians of reproductive age." Inter, 5, 40-55.
Zabaev Ivan. 2008. "Orthodox ethic and the spirit of socialism (Towards substantiation of the hypothesis)." Russian Polity [2007 - 2008], 58-75.
Zabaev Ivan. 2008. "Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism: critics of weberian hypothesis of XX century, 30-60 years." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology. Philosophy , 1 (21): 61-79.
Zabaev Ivan. 2007. "Main Categories of Contemporary Russian Orthodox Church economic ethic (part I)." Social Reality, 9, 5-26.
Zabaev Ivan. 2007. "Main Categories of Contemporary Russian Orthodox Church economic ethic (part II)." Social Reality, 10, 36-62.
Zabaev Ivan. 2007. "Motivation of economic action in the ethics of Russian orthodoxy." Monitoring of public opinion: economic and social changes, 1 (81): January – march 2007, 149-160.
Zabaev Ivan. 2005. "Orthodoxy and economy. The review of Russian-language studies, dissertations, conferences, polemics on main socio-economic doctrines of Russian Orthodox Church in the period of XIX - the beginning XXI centuries." Economic sociology, 5, 108-145.
Zabaev Ivan. 2001. "Religion and the problem of modernization (M.Weber and S.Bulgakov)." Economic sociology, 2, 4, 69-102.
Zabaev Ivan, Ermolaev Andrey. 2001. "To the problem of Zemskaya Statistics methodology." Sociological studies, 11, 129-135.
Oreshina Daria, Prutskova Elena, Zabaev Ivan. 2013. "Orthodox Monitor": 3 waves of an all-Russian survey." 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association. July 15-19, 2013. Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Prutskova Elena, Zabaev Ivan. 2012. "Orthodox parish community: spatial localization and formation factors." IV Russian Congress of Sociology "Sociology in the system of scientific management of society". 2-4 February 2012. Moscow. Moscow: IS RAS, 748-749.
Prutskova Elena, Zabaev Ivan. 2012. "The social activity of Russian Orthodox Church parishes in Russia in the early 21st century: a comparative perspective." Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Networks in the Global World: Structural Transformations in Europe, the US and Russia”. 22-24 June 2012. St. Petersburg. 74.
Zabaev Ivan. 2005. "Russian Orthodox Church Monastery and its workers: Responses to the Modernity challenges." Vectors of Contemporary Russia Development (2-nd international conference). Moscow: MSSES, 86-91.
Zabaev Ivan. 2017. "[Review of the book]: Mutch A. Religion and National Identity Governing Scottish Presbyterianism in the Eighteenth Century. Edinburgh University Press, 2015." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology, 6 (74), 6 (74): 142-145.
Zabaev Ivan. 2017. "[Review of the book]: Religion as a Category of Governance and Sovereignty / T. Stack, N. Goldenberg, T. Fitzgerald, eds. Leiden: Brill, 2015." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology, 1 (75): 151-155.
Zabaev Ivan, Antonov Konstantin. 2014. "[Review] Sitnikov A.V. Pravoslavie, instituti vlasti i grajdanskogo obschestva v Rossii (Orthodox Christianity, Institutions of Authority and Civil Society in Russia). SPb.:Aleteja, 2012. 248 p. ." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology, 6 (56): 149-157.
Zabaev Ivan, Kostrova Elisabeth. 2013. "[Review] The Public Significance of Religion / L. J. Francis, H.-G. Ziebertz, eds. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2011 (Empirical Studies in Theology; 20)." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology, 6 (50): 132-137.
Zabaev Ivan. 2012. "[Review] The Oxford Handbook of the sociology of religion. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2011." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology, 6 (44): 149-153.
Zabaev Ivan. 2012. "[Review] Turner B.S. Religion and Modern Society. Citizenship, Secularisation and the State. Cambridge University Press, 2011. - XXVII, 344 p." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology, 5 (43): 122-127.
Zabaev Ivan. 2011. "[Review] Van der Ven J. A. Human rights or religious rules? Boston; Leiden: Brill, 2010. 473 p." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology, 5 (37): 123-129.
Zabaev Ivan. 2010. "[Review] Gill A. The Political Origins of Religious Liberty. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. XV, 263 p." St.Tikhon's Orthodox University Bulletin, 4 (32): 149-153.
Zabaev Ivan. 2010. "[Review] Haslinger H. Diakonie: Grundlagen fur die soziale Arbeit der Kirche. Schoningh, 2009." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology, 4 (36): 140-144.
Zabaev Ivan. 2010. "[Review] «Medicine, Religion and the Body» / Edited by Elizabeth Burns Coleman and Kevin White. Leiden, Boston: Brill 2010 ." Религиоведческие исследования, 7.
Working Papers
Zabaev Ivan. 2010. "Is Max Weber Alive and Well and is he living in Guatemala? Critical analysis of D. Martin’s works, devoted to expansion of pentecostalism and it’s economic ethic." Working Papers, "Sociology of Religion" Seminar, Series: Problems of church communities development. International practice, 6 (2010): Moscow: PSTGU.
Zabaev Ivan, Oreshina Daria, Prutskova Elena. 2010. "Methodological Problems of Parish Social Work Organization at Russian Orthodox Church in the beginning of XXI century." Working Papers, "Sociology of Religion" Seminar, Series: Empirical research results, 8 (2010): Moscow: PSTGU.
Zabaev Ivan. 2012. "Russian Orthodox Church Social Work: is there any demand from the population? (Preliminary results of social research)." Moscow: PSTGU.
Teaching Materials
Zabaev Ivan, Prutskova Elena. 2012. "Social Network Analysis Application in the Research on Orthodox Christian Parish Communities. Teaching Materials." Moscow: PSTGU.