PhD in Philosophy
Research fellow at the “Sociology of Religion” Laboratory
Research fellow at the “Sociology of Religion” Laboratory
Email ur.le1739473627rcos@1739473627avoth1739473627irkmt1739473627
SPIN-RSCI: 1990-4871
ORCID: 0000-0003-2572-8316
Scopus AuthorID: 57206477089
Home pageResearch ProjectsPublicationsIn News
- 2014-now: University of Eastern Finland, Karelian Institute, PhD-student in Russia and Border studies
- 2010-2013: European university in Saint-Petersburg, faculty of anthropology. MA in anthropology. Master thesis “Entrance to the religious community as event and process (on the research of youth group of Charismatic church)
- 2005-2010: Belarusian State University, historical faculty, history of religion. Degree project “Modern Messianic Judaism”
- May 2012-June 2012: Internship in University of Helsinki, Aleksanteri Institute
- 2013-2014 Studying of courses in Russian language for labor migrants in Saint-Petersburg. Project of Russian State Science Foundation and Centre for Independent Social Research
- 2012-2013: Dutch-Russian Think-Tank project in multiculturalism implemented by Radboud University of Nijmegen in co-operation with the European University at St.Petersburg
In foreign languages
Krihtova Tatiana et al. 2020. "A minority within a minority: Russian Evangelicals in Finland negotiating their identity and establishing their presence in society." Eight Essays on Russian Christianities.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2017. "Der Alltag orthodoxer Priester in Russland." Religion & Gesellschaft in Ost und West, 10 (45): 13-14.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2012. Bridges and Barriers: Drawing Attention to Language Policies and Integration of Low-Wage Labour Migrants as a Long-Term Strategy for Conflict Prevention in the OSCE Area/Redboud Honorous Academy. Nijmegen.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2024. "The Seen and Unseen: Visitors of the “Rescue Hangar”." Urban Folklore and Anthropology (In Russ.): 6(4), 8-25.
THE CHURCH «WORD OF LIFE»." Researches in Religion Studies, №1 (25).
Krihtova Tatiana. 2021. "Communion of the ROC During the Coronavirus Epidemic in the Context of the Anthropology of Purity." The sociology of religion in Late Modern society: religion and values. Collection of Articles on the Materials of the X International Scientific Conference, 10, 89-101.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2021. "Modern Orthodox Priests' Perception of the Purposes and Effects of Personal Prayer." Bulletin of STOU. Series I: Theology. Philosophy, 93, 65-76.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2021. "Pastoral Theology ”in Modern Orthodox Theological Seminaries: Between“ Teaching ”and“ Upbringing ”." Bulletin of the Leningrad State University. AS Pushkin, 1, 124-138.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2019. "Distribution of working time among modern Orthodox priests." Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, 3, 223-238.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2019. "Sociology of Family and Childhood in the Work of James Bossard." Sociological Journal, 25 (3): 84-98,
Krihtova Tatiana. 2019. "«The Lord is on the ground floor»”: Orthodox chapels in the space of medical institutions." INTERaction. INTERview. INTERpretation , 11 (17): 61-75.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2018. "Strategies of time-places among contemporary Orthodox priests: nomadic and sedentary. Vectors of the development of modern Russia." Borders counteract: the demarcation of practices, spaces and languages of description. Compendium XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists April 20-22, 2017, 216, Ed. M. G. Pugacheva. M.; St. Petersburg.: Nestor-History.
Krihtova Tatiana, Aleksin Kirill. 2018. "Contemporary approaches to the study of priest role differentiation in Western academic literature." Liberal Arts In Russia, 7 (2): 119-131.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2018. "Easter cakes on instagram. Spectalisation of easter by young russian women
." St. Tikhon’s University Review. Series I: Theology. Philosophy. Religious studies, 79, 98-114.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2018. "Methodological aspects of the field research of Orthodox priesthood's time budget." Researches in Religion Studies, 1 (17): 110-121.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2017. "Forum: Anthropology of religion (1)." Anthropological forum, no.34, 11-124.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2017. "Space of the church in the space of medicine: functions and meanings of chapels on the territory of public health institutions." Illusory Worlds and mediums practices in the space of culture, Const. and ed.: N.V. Petrov, O.B, M.: Publishing house "Delo".
Krihtova Tatiana, Aleksin Kirill. 2016. "Ritual-making and care-providing, together or separately? Based on the time budget of modern Orthodox
priests." Religious Studies. T. 4, 89-95.
Krihtova Tatiana, Aleksin Kirill. 2016. "Specificity of the social roles of orthodox of priests: an empirical study." Herald of the Russian Christian humanitarian academy. T. 17. No. 4, 75-87.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2014. "Representation of ethnicity in monuments on memorial cemetery in Levashovo." Ethnographic Review, 2, 139-152.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2013. "Political activity in charismatic churches "Word of Life" in 2012-2013." Human and Religion: collection of articles, Minsk.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2009. "Image of Gavriil Belistokski in Christian and Jewish world-view in modern Belarus." History-myth-folklore in Jewish and Salvia cultural tradition: collection of articles. 2009 Human and religion: experience of Shiite Lebanon. Eurasian researches, 114-117.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2008. "Internet-blog as innovation way of religion sermon." Human@Religion@Internet: materials of international science internet-conference, 92-105.
Krihtova Tatiiana. 2008. "Technical science and new religion movements (example of situation in MPTI)." Science and religion: perspectives of dialog in the modern world: materials of international summer school if religion studies, 64-70, Volgograd.
Krihtova Tatiiana. 2007. "Religion self-identification as element of political identification in modern Belarus." RELIGO. Miscellany of Moscow society for religion studies, 1, 149-163, М.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2017. "Ritual-making and care-proving in time-budget of modern Orthodox priests." 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association "(Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities". 29 August - 1 September, 2017. 391-392, Abstract book, ISSN 2522-2562.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2013. "Russian-Speaking Community of Evangelical Christians in Helsinki: between Church and Diaspora." New Religiosity in Migration. BGU. Israel: 40-45.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2009. "Vision of future of messianic Jews." Vision of future of messianic Jews. М: 48-49.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2008. "Origin of NRM." Religion and society 3: actual problems of modern religion studies: collection of science articles. Mogilev: 22-23.
Krihtova Tatiiana. 2008. "Political party as NRM." Materials of reports XV Internationalconference for students, graduates and young scientists (CD). Lomonosov.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2010. "[Review] Dennett D.C. Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon." Религиоведческие исследования №2-3.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2009. "[Review] Human and religion: experience of Shiite Lebanon." Eurasian researches, 114-117.
Working Papers
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