RESEARCH TEAM: Tatiana Krihtova, Kirill Alexin, Nadejda Solovieva
The project is a study of time budgets of modern Russian Orthodox priest. After working for a year in this field, we came to the conclusion that it is difficult to fit all variety of field data collected in the framework of articles. Therefore, the next step of the project should be a monograph, which would describe our field data: different versions of time budgets in different parishes, the diversity of priests’ activities.
In addition, during the data analysis we decided to include a quantitative component into the project.
The first phase of the project includes qualitative research: interviews, participant observation and study of time budgets. For representativity there will be conducted 10 more case-studies (in addition to the 23 already done). We plan to observe the priests over 60 years old living in rural areas and of the two regions which have been not covered yet: Russian Volga and North (North-West, without St. Petersburg).
The second stage of the project (quantitative) suggests checking the findings of the first phase with an online survey among priests (approx. 500 people from different dioceses).
The project will result in a monograph with the description of various aspects of priests’ time budgets and the characterization of priest’s role in modern society.
The new phase of the study is planned as a series of publications and public lectures, as we have noticed that this topic attracts many of those interested in religion and social structure of a modern Russian society.
Photo exhibition “The living life. Priest in small towns” with laboratory participating >>>
Fellow Researchers of the Laboratory participated in the conference “In memoriam Yuri Levada” which held 24.04 in Hider School of Economics >>>
Kirill Aleksin and Tatiana Krihtova took part in the Forum of Field Interviewers >>>
18-21 September Tatiana Krihtova visited the annual EASR conference in Leuven (Belgium) >>>
Research fellows of “Sociology of Religion” took part in the 13th conference of the European Sociological Association ESA-2017 in Athens >>>
Fieldwork of the project “Priest in Church and Society: Analysis of Time Budgets” >>>
June 16-17 Tatiana Krihtova participated in the congress of the Russian Religious Society (MSU and PSTGU) >>>
Researchers of the “Sociology of Religion” laboratory at PSTGU took part in the V International scientific-practical conference “Religion and History” (April 20-22, 2017, Minsk, Republic of Belarus) >>>
Researchers from the laboratory “Sociology of religion” participated at XVIII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development (April, 11-14, 2017, Moscow, NRU HSE) >>>
Relevant publications
Krihtova Tatiana. 2018. "Strategies of time-places among contemporary Orthodox priests: nomadic and sedentary. Vectors of the development of modern Russia." Borders counteract: the demarcation of practices, spaces and languages of description. Compendium XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists April 20-22, 2017, 216, Ed. M. G. Pugacheva. M.; St. Petersburg.: Nestor-History.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2017. "Der Alltag orthodoxer Priester in Russland." Religion & Gesellschaft in Ost und West, 10 (45): 13-14.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2017. "Ritual-making and care-proving in time-budget of modern Orthodox priests." 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association "(Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities". 29 August - 1 September, 2017. 391-392, Abstract book, ISSN 2522-2562.
Krihtova Tatiana, Aleksin Kirill. 2016. "Ritual-making and care-providing, together or separately? Based on the time budget of modern Orthodox
priests." Religious Studies. T. 4, 89-95.
Krihtova Tatiana, Aleksin Kirill. 2016. "Specificity of the social roles of orthodox of priests: an empirical study." Herald of the Russian Christian humanitarian academy. T. 17. No. 4, 75-87.