On the 16th-21st of May Mark Regnerus visited Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University

IMG_20180518_154435On the 16th-21st of May Mark Regnerus, a professor of sociology at the University of Texas at Austin and a senior fellow at the Austin Institute for the Study of Family and Culture visited Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University. His key research interests lay in such fields as sociology of family, marriage, and religion. Professor’s visit to Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University was organized by members of research laboratory “Sociology of Religion”.

Mark Regnerus participated in several seminars dedicated to theoretical works on sociology of family and modern empirical projects on family studies. Furthermore, he conducted a workshop «How to Publish Articles in English», where he spoke about approaches to writing scientific texts and to working with various sources of literature.

On the last day of his visit Mark Regnerus gave a lecture «The Future of Christian Marriage». Professor noticed that in recent decades a decline in the number of registered marriages and an increase of the average age at marriage was noticed. That is why Mark Regnerus started an International research project “The Global Recession in Christian Marriage: What it Means for Families, Nations, and the Church”, in the implementation of which there were conducted in-depth interviews in 7 countries: the US, Mexico, Spain, Poland, Russia, Lebanon, Nigeria (data in Russia were collected by scientists from the research laboratory “Sociology of Religion”). At the end of the lecture professor showed the initial results of the data analysis. Mark Regnerus plans to publish the book “The Future of Christian Marriages”.

The lecture and seminars were attended by:  Nikolay Emeliyanov, Ivan Zabaev, Ivan Pavlyutkin, Daria Oreshina, Elena Prutskova, Anna Zueva, Kirill Markin, Tatiana Krihtova, Elizaveta Kostrova, Olga Borisova, Mariia Goleva and other researchers of Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University.

See also:

Obyedkov Andrey. 2018. "American sociologist: People postpone marriagebecause they think about a probable divorce ." Evening Moscow, May 22, 2018.

Press-office of Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University. 2018. "American sociologist Mark Regnerus gave a lecture on Christian marriage in Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University." Pstgu.ru, May 21, 2018.