PROJECT: “The Invisible Religion” by T. Lukman: the origins of the concept and the possibility of using it for the analysis of contemporary Russian Orthodoxy
FUNDING: within the framework of the program of PSTGU Development Foundation in 2018-2020
RESEARCH TEAM: Kirill Markin, Krikhtova Tatiana, Zueva Anna
The scientific problem, which our research project aims to solve, is the absence of an approach in the Russian sociology of religion that allows identifying and interpreting the essential characteristics of religiosity of the non-churched Orthodox Christians, distinguishing them from the characteristics of the religiosity of the churched Orthodox. Now these characteristics are interpreted only in the “negative” regime – they are described through the absence of a number of religious practices. We propose to try to translate these interpretations into a “positive” regime, suggesting the presence of the essential component of such religiosity.
Within the framework of the project, it is planned to organize a regular seminar, during which we will discuss the key texts on the research problem. The thematic core of the seminar will be the approach of T. Luckmann, its sources and developments. We assume that Luckmann’s approach is capable of solving both the problems associated with the interpretation the non-practicing Orthodox Christian’s religiosity, and the problems associated with the impossibility of coexistence of religion and modern society, which makes applying it to the analysis of modern Russian Orthodox Christianity potentially fruitful. The results of the seminar should be the selected categories and hypotheses for constructing a theoretical sample and coding in-depth interviews. The empirical part of the project will consist of a series of in-depth biographical interviews with representatives of various types of Orthodox Christian religiosity (30 interviews). This research will be based on the Grounded Theory research strategy.
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