Duration of the project: start in 2015
Project coordinator: Nikolay Emelyanov
Research team: Ivan Zabaev, Konstantin Polskov, Konstantin Antonov, Daria Oreshina, Anna Zueva, Yulia Koloshenko, Kirill Alexin
About the project
One way or another, all problems of church life affect the priests. In a sense, it is precisely the priests who are in the center of church life.
Bishops are far from ordinary people and there are very few of them (in Russia there are 300 bishops). They are engaged in administrative work and to a lesser extent communicate with the laity. Even priests do not have constant and easy access to the bishop.
As far as the laity is concerned, there is no objective criterion which would make it possible to distinguish a regular parishioner from a person baptized as a child and not having any idea about the faith. The only objective distinguishing feature for differentiating parishioners (regular attendants of church services, occasional parishioners, and sporadic visitors) is regular communion. However, this difference cannot be in any way recognized externally, and is in effect, reduced to the extent of communication between the lay person and the priest.
We may assumed that it is precisely the priests who determine the manner of church life and define the vector of influence of the Church in the society as a whole.
This suggestion raises a number of issues:
- Who is the priest of today, what is his responsibility, what he should and should not do?
- What is the difference between the priests and other actors (teachers, psychologists, social workers, etc.)?
- Why is church life today not developing in Russia?
- Why is the effectiveness of priests in society so insignificant?
- Is it possible to design and model the effectiveness of the priesthood?
The project implies multiple forms of work, including a regular working seminar, cycles of theoretical seminars for elaborating on individual problems of the project, invitating foreign professors for thematic lectures and discussions, conducting empirical research, and preparation of publications.
In 2015, the following activities will be carried out as part of the project:
- a series of theoretical seminars, “Modernity and Society” [program of the seminar]
- a regular seminar of the working group with the participation of sociologists, theologians, anthropologists, ethnographers and other experts.
Emeliyanov Nikolay.
"The issue of the number of priests in the USA and the UK in the second half of the 20th century." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology. Philosophy 3 (65),
аннотация"The author analyzes different approaches towards evaluating the number of Roman Catholic and Protestant priests in the USA and in the Church of England. He considers the three narratives in the framework of which the problem under investigation has been posed: the “demography of the priesthood”, the “priest labor market” and the “territorial distribution of the clergy”. Schoenherr’s model (1993) is built upon the “organizational demography” approaches as well as upon the theory of rational choice and asks the question about what is going to happen to the population of the Catholic priests in the US in the nearest twenty years. Demographic tendencies for a long time prevalent lead to substantial changes in the overall structure of the population. The singling out of such tendencies and the determining factors behind them is extremely important for organizational planning. American Protestant denominations have toward the end of the 20th century found themselves in the situation of redundancy of priests. The research authored by Carroll (1980) is based upon the logic of the labor market and considers the interrelation between three values: number of the members of a Church; number of priests; number of churches. These values reflect the offer and demand dynamics in the priest labor market. The researcher calculates the number of payments necessary to ensure the receiving of constant salary by a priest. He analyzes the factors determining the offer and demand interrelation in the labor market. The research poses the question about the functions exercised by a priest. Still another tendency in the research on the number of priests exists in the Church of England; this tendency is connected with the issue of optimum territorial distribution of priests. The key research work here is the so-called “Paul report” (1964) which establishes the dependence of involvement in religious practices on the three following factors: number of those with full or part-time occupation in the sphere of pastoral activities; number of inhabitants of a given territory; number of churches in a given territory. The article points at the absence in the Christian discourse of normative criteria which could allow to determine the number of priests. The author also investigates how the number of priests influences the religious situation in a country as well as various processes in other social spheres (economy, politics, demography, etc.)."
Zueva Anna.
"Current studies on the priest: an overview of major trends." Working Papers: "Sociology of Religion" Seminar, Series: Priest in Modern World, 2016-16,
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