Krihtova Tatiana. 2024. "The Seen and Unseen: Visitors of the “Rescue Hangar”." Urban Folklore and Anthropology (In Russ.): 6(4), 8-25.
Yurchenko Ekaterina, Yurchenko I. 2024. "Social Aspects of Sponsorship in Adult Baptism during the Late Antiquity
." Proceedings of the Department of Theology of the Saint Petersburg Theological Academy, 2(22), 160-173.
Yurchenko Ekaterina. 2024. "The Concepts of Godparenthood in the Narratives of Laypeople of the Russian Orthodox Church: an Analysis of Interviews from Several Parishes in the Leningrad Region." Proceedings of the Department of Theology of the Saint Petersburg Theological Academy, 3(23), 153-167.
Alekseeva Polina. 2023. "The choice on a marriage market or the God’s will? On practical and substantial rationalities in orthodox dating platform users’ categories." The Russian Sociological Review. 22(1), DOI: 10.17323/1728-192x-2023-1-8, 82-97.
Alekseeva Polina. 2023. "The Link between Religiosity and Marriage Values and Norms: Examining the Perspectives of Married Russian Youth." Universe of Russia. 32(3), 119-144, DOI: 10.17323/1811-038X-2023-32-3-119-144.
Goleva Mariia. 2023. ".The Transition to Parenthood in the Perspective of Spousal Relations: The Case of Interviews with Young Parents
." Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. No. 2, 82-102, DOI: 10.14515/monitoring.2023.2.2363. (In Russian).
Pavlyutkin Ivan, Goleva Mariia. 2023. "The role of religion in the explanation of the “Russian marriage paradox”: the relational competence hypothesis using the example of spouses who identify themselves as orthodox." Vestnik Pravoslavnogo Sviato-Tikhonovskogo gumanitarnogo universiteta. Seriia I : Bogoslovie. Filosofiia. Religiovedenie. Iss. 106, 107-133, DOI: 10.15382/sturI2023106.107-133. (in Russian).
Prutskova Elena, Pavlyutkin Ivan, Borisova Olga. 2023. "Religiosity and Fertility in Russia and other European Countries: The Effect of Social Context." Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. No. 2, 103-126, DOI: 10.14515/monitoring.2023.2.2359. (In Russian).
Zabaev Ivan, Kostrova Elizaveta. 2023. "The Russian Paradox of Religion and Fertility. Specification of the Problem and Development of an Explanatory Hypothesis." Vestnik Pravoslavnogo Sviato-Tikhonovskogo gumanitarnogo universiteta. Seriia I : Bogoslovie. Filosofiia. Religiovedenie. Iss. 108, 89-111, DOI: 10.15382/sturI2023108.89-111 (in Russian).
Yurchenko Ekaterina. 2022. "Social Ties: Spiritual Kinship and the Phenomenon of Trust in the Sociological Studies of Guido Alfani." Research Result. Social Studies and Humanities, 8(4), 136-145, DOI: 10.18413/2408-932X-2022-8-4-0-13.
Alekseeva Polina. 2022. "Brachnye traektorii molodykh rossiyan: rol’ setey [Young Russians’ Pathways to Marriage: The Role of Networks]." Journal of Economic Sociology, Vol. 23, No 5, 78-108, DOi: 10.17323/1726-3247-2022-5-78-108 (in Russian).
Alekseeva Polina. 2022. "The Epidemic of Past and Present: the Plague a Factor Influencing Demographic Processes (on the Example of Mortality and Migration Rates of XVII Century England)." Demoscope Weekly, 929-930.
Galitsina Kristina, Alekseeva Polina, Khvorostianova Olga. 2022. "Online Dating: Market or Bazaar? The Marriage Partner Search Process on an Orthodox Dating Site." Economic Sociology. Vol. 23. No. 2, 65-90, Doi: 10.17323/1726-3247-2022-2-65-90.
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Lyubinarskaya Nina. 2022. "The Role of “Relational Reflexivity” in Family Relationships: a Case Study on the Example of Two Young Couples." Interaction. Interview. Interpretation. Vol. 14. No. 4, 62-88, DOI:
Markov Dmitry. 2022. "The Problem of Correlation between Religiosity and Fertility: A Case Study Based on Interviews with Russian Orthodox Priests’ Family Members." Gosudarstvo, religiia, tserkov’ v Rossii i za rubezhom, 40(4), 186-218.
Zabaev Ivan. 2022. "Humility and mutuality: an analysis of ethos of contemporary Russian orthodoxy." Vestnik Pravoslavnogo Sviato-Tikhonovskogo gumanitarnogo universiteta. Seriia I : Bogoslovie. Filosofiia. Religiovedenie. Iss. (in Russian), 102, Doi: 10.15382/sturI2022102.87-11, 87-116.
Zabaev Ivan, Kostrova Elizaveta, Goleva Mariia. 2022. "Samorealizatsiya i deti: logiki ispol'zovaniya prostranstva v narrativakh rossiyanok [Self-realization and Children: Logics of Space Usage in the Narratives of Russian Women]." The Russian Sociological Review. 21(3), Doi: 10.17323/1728-192x-2022-3-1, 127-154.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2021. "Communion of the ROC During the Coronavirus Epidemic in the Context of the Anthropology of Purity." The sociology of religion in Late Modern society: religion and values. Collection of Articles on the Materials of the X International Scientific Conference, 10, 89-101.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2021. "Modern Orthodox Priests' Perception of the Purposes and Effects of Personal Prayer." Bulletin of STOU. Series I: Theology. Philosophy, 93, 65-76.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2021. "Pastoral Theology ”in Modern Orthodox Theological Seminaries: Between“ Teaching ”and“ Upbringing ”." Bulletin of the Leningrad State University. AS Pushkin, 1, 124-138.
Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2021. "How the Sense of Community Arises in Marriage: The Logic of Mutuality in the Narratives of Women from Large Families." Journal of Economic Sociology, Vol. 22, № 4, 11-34, DOI: 10.17323/1726-3247-2021-4-11-34 (in Russian).
Markov Dmitry. 2020. "The Role of Education in the Approach to Childbearing in the Clergy Families of the Russian Orthodox Church." Religiovedenie” [Study of Religion], 4, 119-128.
Markov Dmitry. 2020. "What is the Christian Tradition and the Problem of Childbearing from the Point of View of the "Structure of Theological Revolutions" by Mark Massa"." Questions of Theology, 2 (2): 250-261.
Goleva Mariia. 2020. "How Young People Perceive Entry Into Marriage: Acquaintance and Wedding Stories from the Interviews with the Newlyweds." Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, 5, DOI: 10.14515/monitoring.2020.5., 186-203.
Krikhtova Tatiana. 2020. "The religious component of non-medical instrumentalization of reproduction: the Zachatyevskiy Monastery in narratives of users of the “Babyblog” parent forum." The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology [Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii], 23 (1): 198-222, (in Russian), .
Lyubinarskaya N. 2020. "Religiosity and meta-reflexivity as interrelated factors affecting the stability
of relationships." Sociology of Religion in the Late Modern Society. A Collection of Articles on the Materials of the IX International Scientific Conference, 184-189.
Markin Kirill. 2020. "Epistemology in the Sociology of Religion by Thomas Luckmann." Sociology of Religion in the Late Modern Society, 9, 24-29.
Markov Dmitry. 2020. "Attitudes towards Childbearing in Families of Modern Russian Orthodox Church Priests: an Experience of Typologization." Research result. Sociology and Management, 6 (3).
Markov Dmitry. 2020. "What is in Common between St. John of Kronstadt, Theologians, Intellectuals and Family Practitioners in the Middle and End of the 19th Century?" Essays on Conservatism, 1, 117-142.
Melkumyan Elena. 2020. "Religiosity and Life Satisfaction: A Survey of Orthodox Parishes." Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, 1, 225-249.
Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2020. "Dynamics of Youth’s Religiosity in Russia." Research result. Sociology and Management, 6 (3).
Pavlyutkin Ivan, Goleva Mariia. 2020. "How do Families with Many Children Emerge? Typology of Parents’ Transitions." Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies], 7, 106-117.
Prutskova Elena, Markin Kirill, Vrublevskaya Polina. 2020. "Q-methodology in the study of "weak religiosity""." Research result. Sociology and Management, 6 (3).
Vrublevskaya Polina. 2020. "Narrativy rossijskih studentov: problema samoopredeleniya v kategoriyah religioznogo i duhovnogo [Narratives of Russian students: difficulties of self-identification with the categories of religious and spiritual] in (ed. Anisimov R.) ." Sociological Narrative 2020. Society in turbulence era: quests, threats and perspectives [Sociologicheskij narrativ 2020. Obshchestvo v epohu turbulentnosti: poiski, ugrozy i perspektivy], 142-150, Moscow: Russian State University for the Humanities.
Zabaev Ivan, Kostrova Elizaveta. 2020. "Ethos versus Habitus: the Ethical Component in Max Weber’s “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”
." Sociology of Power, 32 (4): 45-67, Doi: 10.22394/2074-0492-2020-4-45-67.
Emeliyanov Nikolay. 2019. "Significance of Family of Orthodox Priest in Pastoral Ministry: Theological Approach." St. Tikhon’s University Review. Series I: Theology. Philosophy. Religious studies, 82, 34-50.
Goleva Mariia. 2019. "Social Meaning of Time in a Family with Children (a Case Study of Large Families)." Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, 3, 239-260.
Goleva Mariia. 2019. "The Effects of Social Network on Fertility: The Case of Large Families in Russia." Journal of Economic Sociology, vol. 20, no 3, 136-163, doi: 10.17323/1726-3247-2019-3-136-163.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2019. "Distribution of working time among modern Orthodox priests." Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, 3, 223-238.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2019. "Sociology of Family and Childhood in the Work of James Bossard." Sociological Journal, 25 (3): 84-98,
Krihtova Tatiana. 2019. "«The Lord is on the ground floor»”: Orthodox chapels in the space of medical institutions." INTERaction. INTERview. INTERpretation , 11 (17): 61-75.
Melkumyan Elena. 2019. "Religiosity and subjective well-being: survey of 12 Orthodox parishes." Sociology of religion in the society of Late Modernity: Orthodox accent: a collection of articles on the materials of the VIII International scientific conference NRU «BelSU», 4-5 Oct. 2018 / Ed. S.D. Lebedev. - Belgorod : «Belgorod», 109-114.
Melkumyan Elena. 2019. "Subjective well-being and communicative aspect of religiosity (based on the survey “Social support networks in the Orthodox church community”)." Religion and Communication: Papers of the VI International Scientific Conference, Minsk, April 18-20, 2019 - Minsk, Kovcheg, 215-219.
Pavlyutkin Ivan, Borisova Olga. 2019. "The Revival of Tradition, New Marriages or Network Effects: Variability of Models of Modern Urban Large Families?" Mir Rossii, 28 (4): 128-151, DOI: 10.17323/1811-038X-2019-28-4-128-151.
Zabaev Ivan. 2019. "A Nietzschean Take on a Hundred-Dollar Bill: Reading Weber’s “Protestant Ethic” in Connection with a Contemporary Economist’s Comments." Journal of Economic Sociology, Vol.20. No1, 20-71.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2018. "Objective hermeneutics: problems and prospects." Sotsiologiya 4M (Sociology: methodology, procedures and mathematical models). Т. 46. № 1, 123-158.
Emeliyanov Nikolay. 2018. "Religiosity paradox: where do believers come from?" Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, 2, 32-48.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2018. "Strategies of time-places among contemporary Orthodox priests: nomadic and sedentary. Vectors of the development of modern Russia." Borders counteract: the demarcation of practices, spaces and languages of description. Compendium XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists April 20-22, 2017, 216, Ed. M. G. Pugacheva. M.; St. Petersburg.: Nestor-History.
Emelyanov Nikolay, Yudin Greg. 2018. "Structural Position of the Priest in Gift-Exchange Systems." Russian Sociological Review, 17 (3): 9-29.
Krihtova Tatiana, Aleksin Kirill. 2018. "Contemporary approaches to the study of priest role differentiation in Western academic literature." Liberal Arts In Russia, 7 (2): 119-131.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2018. "Easter cakes on instagram. Spectalisation of easter by young russian women
." St. Tikhon’s University Review. Series I: Theology. Philosophy. Religious studies, 79, 98-114.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2018. "Methodological aspects of the field research of Orthodox priesthood's time budget." Researches in Religion Studies, 1 (17): 110-121.
Markin Kirill. 2018. "Between belief and unbelief: non-practicing Orthodox Christians in the context of the Russian sociology of religion." Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, 2, 274-290.
Melkumyan Elena. 2018. "Annual cycles of the Orthodox believers participating in the blessing of Easter food." Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, 2, 261-273.
Prutskova Elena. 2018. "Easter cakes and/or Eucharist: typology of Orthodox Christians participating in the blessing of Easter food." Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, 2, 243-260.
Zabaev Ivan. 2018. "Humility and Economic Ethics of the Russian Orthodox Church." State, Religion and Church, 4(36), 175-202.
Zabaev Ivan, Zueva Anna, Koloshenko Julia. 2018. "Humility and The Gift: The Elective Affinity of Institutions and Ethics in Orthodox Parishes." Research result. Sociology and management. Vol. 4, № 1.
Zabaev Ivan, Mikhaylova Yana, Oreshina Daria. 2018. "Neither public nor private religion: the Russian Orthodox Church in the public sphere of contemporary Russia." Journal of Contemporary Religion, 33 (1): 17-38.
Zabaev Ivan. 2018. "Religion and Economics: Can We Still Rely on Max Weber?" Russian Sociological Review, 17 (3): 107-148.
Zabaev Иван. 2018. "Operationalization of the concept of humility in psychology." St. Tikhon’s University Review. Series I: Theology. Philosophy. Religious studies. Vol. 76, 107-129.
Emeliyanov Nikolay. 2017. "An Analysis of Secularization in Russia from the Supply Side." Christian Reading, 1, 152-188.
"In this article, we discuss religious supply in Russia. Evaluations of religious supply are based on the empirical study “50 Confessions”, conducted by the Sociology of Religion Research Laboratory in the fall of 2015. Consideration of religious supply provides us with new insights into explaining religious processes in contemporary Russia. Particularly, it suggests an alternative to the secularization theory explanation of the gap between religious affiliation (70% of respondents call themselves Orthodox Christians) and religious practice (3% of respondents receive communion regularly) for Russian Orthodox Christians. In this Article the religious supply model, developed on the basis of religious market theory (see the works of R. Stark, R. Finke, W. Bainbridge, L. Iannacone, and others), is briefly described. Then this model is applied to the evaluation of Russian religious supply, with the variable being the number of priests in Russia. For the estimation of our model’s parameters, empirical data from the “50 Confessions” study is used. The model allows us to evaluate religious supply limitations, and this challenges general assumptions on the secularized nature of religious processes in Russia."
Prutskova Elena. 2017. "Easter cakes and / or Eucharist: Factors of choosing the ways to prepare for Easter among Orthodox Christian believers." Religion and History: Papers of the V International Scientific Conference, April 20-22, 2017, 253-258, Minsk, Republic of Belarus: Ed. S.I. Shatravsky. Minsk: BSU Publishing Center.
Aleksin Kirill. 2017. "Elusive Priest: Transformation of the Russian Orthodox Church’ Normative Discourse on Presbyter Ministry." The Light of Christ enlightens all: Almanac of the St. Philaret Orthodox Christian Institute, 24, 136-169, Moscow: St. Philaret Orthodox Christian Institute.
Borisova Olga. 2017. "Father’s involvement: individual and cross-country differences." Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, 6, 263-286.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2017. "Economy and the Other: borders between two worlds in work of H.Arendt and E. Levinas." Chelovek, 65-76.
"In the philosophy of Arendt and Levinas, one’s attention is drawn to the parallelism in the way they put forward the “concealment” / “interiority”, correlated with the “economy” that was originally understood, as opposed to the space where the meeting with the other(s) occurs. Similarity, however, ends where they specify what lies beyond the “economic” and who this other is. If for Arendt, existence outside the «economy» is one of the activity, for Levinas the true face-to-face relation is fundamentally different from any action.
Key words: intersubjectivity, public sphere, economy, Arendt, Levinas."
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2017. "The sacred and violence: The ethicization of religion in Levinas's philosophy." The South pole. Studies in history of the contemporary Western philosophy, 3 (1): no.4, 40-48.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2017. "Forum: Anthropology of religion (1)." Anthropological forum, no.34, 11-124.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2017. "Space of the church in the space of medicine: functions and meanings of chapels on the territory of public health institutions." Illusory Worlds and mediums practices in the space of culture, Const. and ed.: N.V. Petrov, O.B, M.: Publishing house "Delo".
Markin Kirill. 2017. "Reasons for not attending church among Orthodox Christians in Russia." Religion and History: Papers of the V International Scientific Conference, April 20-22, 2017, 270-275, Minsk, Republic of Belarus: Ed. S.I. Shatravsky. Minsk: BSU Publishing Center.
Melkumyan Elena. 2017. "Social portraits of Orthodox believers (based on the survey «Holy Saturday: An opinion poll in the temples of the Eastern Vicariate of Moscow»)." Religion and History: Papers of the V International Scientific Conference, April 20-22, 2017, 259-264, Minsk, Republic of Belarus: Ed. S.I. Shatravsky. Minsk: BSU Publishing Center.
Prutskova Elena. 2017. "Prutskova E.V. 2017. Religiosity and basic values in Russia (based on European Social Survey and Orthodox Monitor)
." XVII April international scientific conference on problems of development of economy and society. In four books. Book 4, Ed. E. Yasin, 23-30, Moscow: NRU HSE.
Prutskova Elena. 2017. "Religiosity and the basic values of Russians (according to the "European Social Survey" and the nationwide study "Orthodox Monitor")
." St. Tikhon’s University Review. Series I: Theology. Philosophy. Religious studies, 4 (72): 126-143.
"The article examines the relationship between religiosity and basic values in Russia. Basic values are measured by the Schwartz's Portrait Value Questionnaire. The analysis is based on the data of the European Social Survey conducted in 2012 and the Orthodox Monitor survey conducted in 2012 as well, which is a representative survey of churched Russian Orthodox Christians. Usually based on the results of mass surveys, the connection of basic values with religiosity in Russia is very weak. One possible reason is the use of inappopriate indicators to measure the degree of religiosity. One of the most important characteristics that distinguish churched Orthodox Christians is regular Communion, which presupposes quite serious preparation, fasting and Confession. People make an attempt to rethink their views, values, and change their behavior. If this happens with a certain regularity, then it can lead to a gradual change in basic values, conditioned by religiosity. Such working out the best of oneself may not occur if a person just attends religious services, but does not receive Communion. Churched Orthodox are much more committed to the values of Conservation and Self-Transcendence, and less to the values of Openness to change and Self-Enhancement. One of the unexpected results was the discovery of significant differences in the values of Universalism, in which the churched Orthodox Christians are noticeably ahead of the average Russians, while in most previous studies the relationship of religiosity to the values of Universalism was either negative or absent, and only rarely was weak positive. Also, despite the general low commitment to the values of Openness to change, the differences are due to the great rejection of the values of Hedonism and Stimulation, while the values of Self Direction differ from the average Russians only slightly."
Prutskova Elena, Markin Kirill. 2017. "Typology of Orthodox Russians: the problem of constructing a generalized religiosity indicator." Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies], 8, 95-105.
"There are many approaches to religiosity measurement in sociology of religion, but most of the methodological literature is devoted only to the first step of operationalization of this concept — defining the aspects of religiosity and choosing the indicators for each of these aspects. At the same time almost no attention is paid to the inverse operation — the construction of the generalized measure of religiosity based on the operationalization developed. We consider three basic approaches to this problem and discuss their strengths and weaknesses. The first approach is using individual indicators. It allows minimizing the loss of information about the respondent’s answers, but it lacks generalizability and doesn’t allow for comparison of religiosity effects if religiosity is measured with different indicators. The second approach is construction of a generalized measure of religiosity on the basis of several indicators using summation, averaging, the principles of the strongest or the weakest response, and Factor Analysis. An advantage of this approach is that it produces a religiosity scale of at least ordinal measurement level. But one of the problems that emerge when we try to apply Factor Analysis is that it implies a measurement model with reflective (effect) indicators while the theory rather favors the formative measurement model. The principle of the strongest response overestimates the number of highly religious people while the opposite — the principle of weakest response — underestimates it. The third approach is the construction of a typology on the basis of several indicators with relatively homogeneous religiosity groups using Cluster Analysis or Latent Class Analysis. The advantage of this approach is that it doesn’t imply unidimensionality of religiosity phenomena and tries to find types that actually exist in the data. We come to the conclusion that in current situation, characterized by the plurality of social forms of religiosity, it would be most productive to use the latter approach. Further, we develop a typology of Russian Orthodox Christians based on the data of the Orthodox Monitor survey (2011) using Hierarchical Cluster Analysis. The typology is based on four indicators: believing in God, frequency of Church attendance, frequency of attendance at religious services, and frequency of Confession and Communion."
Yudin Grigory. 2017. "Homo economicus as a problem of political philosophy." Chelovek, 4, 67-80.
Markina Irina. 2016. "Family relations in the relational sociology by Pierpaolo Donati." Research results. A series of "Sociology and Management", 2 (1 (7)), 70-82.
Vrublevskaya Polina. 2016. "On forthcoming perspectives of solidarity: religion and morality in E. Durkheim’ social theory." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology. Philosophy 4 (66), 67-83, Moscow: PSTGU.
"Usually religion is placed at the center of Emile Durkheim’ theory as it performs the function of solidarity production and maintenance within a community. However, this way of perception of durkheimian conception gets useless regarding present reality because today religion hardly remains the common element of the social life for individuals living together. In «Elementary forms of religious life...» (1912). Durkheim quite superficially touches upon the topic of solidarity in contemporary society, but the reader has every reason to believe that durkheimian theory implies the upgrade of the fundamental bases and solidarity mechanisms. This article proposes to rebuild durkheimian social theory in order to demonstrate the continuity between religion and morality, as Durkheim supposes. Key to successful shift in emphasis from religion to morality is a return to the very key category of «sacred». Sacred is viewed as an integral part of the religious system which is true, but not comprehensive. The interpretation of «sacred» via «religious» overshadows an important fact, that the first one is a generator for the latter. This weighty remark allows us to take the next step and say that just as for religious system of representations, sacred becomes the basis of morality. Here and now the author undertakes an attempt to release the category of «sacred» from a strict religious interpretation, traces the line of functional continuity between religion and morality and reveals a new perspective on the mechanisms of solidarity in contemporary society."
Emeliyanov Nikolay. 2016. "The issue of the number of priests in the USA and the UK in the second half of the 20th century." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology. Philosophy 3 (65), 89-111, Moscow: PSTGU.
"The author analyzes different approaches towards evaluating the number of Roman Catholic and Protestant priests in the USA and in the Church of England. He considers the three narratives in the framework of which the problem under investigation has been posed: the “demography of the priesthood”, the “priest labor market” and the “territorial distribution of the clergy”. Schoenherr’s model (1993) is built upon the “organizational demography” approaches as well as upon the theory of rational choice and asks the question about what is going to happen to the population of the Catholic priests in the US in the nearest twenty years. Demographic tendencies for a long time prevalent lead to substantial changes in the overall structure of the population. The singling out of such tendencies and the determining factors behind them is extremely important for organizational planning. American Protestant denominations have toward the end of the 20th century found themselves in the situation of redundancy of priests. The research authored by Carroll (1980) is based upon the logic of the labor market and considers the interrelation between three values: number of the members of a Church; number of priests; number of churches. These values reflect the offer and demand dynamics in the priest labor market. The researcher calculates the number of payments necessary to ensure the receiving of constant salary by a priest. He analyzes the factors determining the offer and demand interrelation in the labor market. The research poses the question about the functions exercised by a priest. Still another tendency in the research on the number of priests exists in the Church of England; this tendency is connected with the issue of optimum territorial distribution of priests. The key research work here is the so-called “Paul report” (1964) which establishes the dependence of involvement in religious practices on the three following factors: number of those with full or part-time occupation in the sphere of pastoral activities; number of inhabitants of a given territory; number of churches in a given territory. The article points at the absence in the Christian discourse of normative criteria which could allow to determine the number of priests. The author also investigates how the number of priests influences the religious situation in a country as well as various processes in other social spheres (economy, politics, demography, etc.)."
Goleva Mariia, Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2016. "Social networks and fertility." Journal of Economic Sociology, 1 (17): 83-98.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2016. "Some aspects of the role of religion in the public sphere." Researches in Religious Studies, 1 (13): 190-199.
Krihtova Tatiana, Aleksin Kirill. 2016. "Ritual-making and care-providing, together or separately? Based on the time budget of modern Orthodox
priests." Religious Studies. T. 4, 89-95.
Krihtova Tatiana, Aleksin Kirill. 2016. "Specificity of the social roles of orthodox of priests: an empirical study." Herald of the Russian Christian humanitarian academy. T. 17. No. 4, 75-87.
Markin Kirill, Prutskova Elena. 2016. "Individual and social dimension of religiosity." Materials of the V All-Russian Sociological Congress [Electronic resource (DVD)], 4848-4858.
Markina Irina. 2016. "Fundamentals of family policy in the relational sociology by Pierpaolo Donati
." Research results. A series of "Sociology and Management", 2 (2): 27-38.
"This article is an overview of family policy through the lens of relational sociology developed by an Italian philosopher and sociologist P. Donati in the end of XX c. According to him, the aim of family policy is to create conditions, which help family to realize its own possibilities maximally and to perform its functions, i.e. to create the essential base for the full formation of the Self. P. Donati claims that the lack of understanding of the essence and tasks of the family is the main cause of modern family policy's crisis in Europe. He analyzes three socio-political models (liberal, corporative and socialistic) from the family policy point of view and shows that within these models, no family policy is possible. Thus, P. Donati proposes his own model, which he calls “relational”. In this model, the subsidiarity is the main principle of family policy."
Melkumyan Elena. 2016. "Meta-analysis of fertility factors in Russian sociological research." Sociology and Society: social inequality and social justice (Yekaterinburg, October 19-21, 2016). Materials of the V All-Russian Sociological Congress [Electronic resource (DVD)] / Ed.: Mansurov V. A., 3793-3800, M.: Russian society of sociologists.
Oreshina Daria. 2016. "«Partnership parish»: the factor of priests and laity cooperation in the development of the Orthodox Church parishes social work in contemporary Russia
." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology. Philosophy 5 (67), 99-120, Moscow: PSTGU.
"The article suggests sociological analysis of the social relationships in the parish as a factor which promotes parish social work development. Basing on the empirical data, in the fi rst part of the analysis we trace the connection between the type of priests and laity social relationship in the parish and the quantitative indicators of parish social work development. These indicators are the number of non–liturgical activities in the parish, the number of people involved into parish social activities, and the number of organizations the parish has contacts with. In the Second part of the article, we present the description of the parish prior (head of a parish) styles of working with people in the relation of these styles to the formation of
diff erent types of priests–laity cooperation and promotion of the corresponding types of social work in the parish."
Prutskova Elena. 2016. "Not only liturgy: non-liturgical life of orthodox christian parish." Lodka, 2, 166-169.
Vorontsova Elena. 2016. "The history of Soviet science in the modern museum space: Academician V. L. Komarov." Sociology of Science and Technology, 7 (1): 63-73, (With Natalia P. Rybkina).
Vrublevskaya Polina. 2016. "Circulation of children’ items in Christian Orthodox parish: observations to the gift exchange theory." Researches in Religious Studies, 1 (13): 103-127.
Yudin Grigory, Oreshina Daria. 2016. "Gift exchange and control of consumer credit in Russian Orthodox communities
." Sociological Journal, 22 (2): 110-134.
"This paper discusses factors how morally dense communities regulate the consumer debt of their members by enacting both financial and non-financial mechanisms. We rely on the gift exchange theory to demonstrate how communities with high social density morally regulate consumer behavior of their members. We use the data gathered during an empirical study of economic activities of the members of Orthodox parishes in four Russian cities and suggest the four-stage model of the influence of community on the motivation and behavior of potential borrowers. The four elements, in the order of importance, are regulation of wants, non-financial mechanisms of satisfaction of wants, gratuitous financial aid, and distributed solidary responsibility for consumer credit. In contrast to atomized individuals who act upon the moral principles of preserving independence and relying only on themselves, members of parishes are governed by different moral imperatives: they are encouraged to ask for help and to suggest it to others. This paper demonstrates that communities can operate as agents of natural social control over consumer credit by both inducing deliberation on financial decisions and distributing the risks associated with consumer borrowing."
Markina Irina. 2015. "Relational sociology by Pierpaolo Donati." Research results. A series of "Sociology and Management", 3, 43-54.
Prutskova Elena. 2015. "Association of Religiosity with Norms and Values. The Factor of Religious Socialization." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology, 3 (59): 62-80.
Prutskova Elena. 2015. "Civic Effects of Higher Education in Russia: the Impact of Educational Programs." Higher Education in Russia and Beyond, 3, 14-15, Moscow.
Vorontsova Elena. 2015. "The ways of transmission of religious knowledge in the communities of old believers in south Vjatka." Vestnik PSTGU. Series 1: Theology, Philosophy, 62 (6): 70-80.
Vrublevskaya Polina. 2015. "Religiosity: Weltanschauung and course of action ." In Miscellany “Development Vectors of Modern Russia: From Forming Values to Inventing Traditions”, 231-237, Moscow: MSSES.
Vrublevskaya Polina. 2015. "Studying a Parish Community in a Small Town: The Role of the Priest and Other Aspects of Orthodox Communality." Laboratorium, 7 (3): 129-144.
Yudin Greg. 2015. "The Moral Nature of Debt and the Making of Responsible Debtor." VOPROSY ECONOMIKI, 3, 28-45, Moscow.
"The significance of debt relations is constantly growing in the present-day world, so do economic problems related to debt. Credit relationships on market are usually treated as morally neutral despite the fact that debt generates a number of moral contradictions. This paper suggests an understanding of debt that draws on the anthropological theory of gift. It enables to expose the moral content of the utilitarian market exchange as compared to gift exchange and to differentiate between various forms of debt. This approach is used for analyzing consumer credit and for demonstrating that debtor’s behavior is paradoxically determined by striving to avoid the moral obligations of debt. The main moral imperatives are indicated that govern consumer credit — independence and necessity, calculativeness and quantification. This article demonstrates that making the borrower responsible for growing debt makes credit burden increasing rather than restraints it. "
Koloshenko Julia, Yudin Greg. 2014. "Strategies of tourist experience production in a small town: Local community and symbolic construction in Myshkin." Labirint, 5, 5-14, Moscow.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2014. "Representation of ethnicity in monuments on memorial cemetery in Levashovo." Ethnographic Review, 2, 139-152.
Oreshina Daria. 2014. "Parish Community and Congregation Studies in Sociology: Contexts of Research and Main Approaches to Conceptualization
." Sociology: methodology, methods, mathematical modeling, 39, 99-126.
"Sociological research of parish communities (congregations) indicates the significant role of congregations in the processes of religious and nonreligious life, social policy and civil society. Congregations can be either a direct object for sociological studies, or researchers focus on the social functions of parish communities (their role in social services provision, social capital formation, or their effect on individual well-being, etc.). At the same time, congregation as a specific corporate social actor generally is not considered as a distinct theme for theoretical and methodological reflections in sociological literature. This paper contains an analytical review of the main approaches to the “parish community” conceptualization within key contexts of parish communities’ (congregations) studies in sociology. A classification of research contexts for parish communities studies which is introduced in the article, provides the map of key themes in sociological studies of parish communities and gives an idea on the scope and limits of the parish community conceptualizations, currently used in sociology."
Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2014. "Gifts, Debts or Pin Money? On the Moral Ambiguity of Academic Contract in Russian Higher Education." Higher Education in Russia and Beyond, 2, 12-13, Moscow.
Pavlyutkin Ivan, Yudin Greg. 2014. "Recording the ambiguity: the moral economy of debt books in a Russian small town." Working papers by NRU Higher School of Economics. Series SOC "Sociology", No. WP BRP 49/SOC/2014, Moscow.
Pavlyutkin Ivan, Emeliyanov Nikolay. 2014. "University and Gift: Problem Statement." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology, 56 (6): 21-37.
Pavlyutkin Ivan, Zabaev Ivan . 2014. "University and Two Meanings of Responsibility: Objectification of Social Effects of Educational Institutions (by the example of a survey among graduates of an Orthodox university)." Educational studies (2): 202-221.
"We approach higher education as a source of not only private good but also public one. An analysis of oeuvres was aimed at differentiating between formal and substantive meanings of the term “university responsibility”. Substantive meaning of responsibility appeals to criteria beyond knowledge, appreciates the crucial importance of education effects in various aspects of life, and derives from the very fact of interdependence between the university and the society. We believe that importance of university as an institution forming the society may specifically be put into question in Russia, where the high level of education coexists weirdly with the high level of social hardship. An online questionnaire was completed by more than one third of graduates of a Russian confessional (Orthodox) university residing in more than 100 localities of Russia, former Soviet Republics, and other foreign countries. The data on graduates’ shared values and attitudes obtained in the survey was compared to results of national and international surveys on family issues, civic engagement, values, employment, social capital, and consumption practices. Based on this comparison, we suggest that philosophies and attitudes of Orthodox university graduates have many common points that set them aside from the other population of Russia: they are committed to family and civic values, have a strong attitude of service, and participate in social activities to help people in need. Standardized indices of social capital in the sample of Orthodox university graduates are three times higher than those in the national sample of all higher education graduates. We propose to raise a critical discussion of the role of religion in higher education and to dwell specifically on issues of validity of theology as a scientific discipline, effects of bringing religion to high school, and the problem of confessional universities."
Prutskova Elena. 2014. "Religiosity and basic values in European countries: the effect of primary religious socialization." In XIV April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. Vol.3. ed. by E. Yasin, 527-536, Moscow: NRU-HSE.
Prutskova Elena. 2014. "Religiosity and tolerance towards behavior forms, censured by major religions (based on European Values Study)." XIII April international academic conference on economic and social development (in 4 volumes). Vol. 2. / Ed. by E.G. Yasin, 647-656, Moscow: NRU HSE.
Prutskova Elena. 2014. "Religious Socialization: The Problem of Conceptualization and Analysis on Micro- and Macro- Level
." In Sociology of religion in the Late Мodern society: a collection of articles based on the Fourth International Conference. NRU "BelSU", September 12, 2014 / Ed. Ed. SD Lebedev, Belgorod: ID "Belgorod" NRU "BelSU".
"Religion contains a set of attitudes, norms and values that are transmitted in the course of socialization. Religious socialization is a process of interaction in which religious norms and values are transmitted from one generation to another, from group members to newcomers. The article discusses the problem of conceptualization of religious socialization and its application in the analysis of sociological data on micro- and macro- level. "
Vorontsova Elena. 2014. "Spiritual Verse in Modern Old-Believer Traditions in South Vyatka Region." Antropologichesky forum, 23, 38-51.
Vrublevskaya Polina. 2014. "Orthodox religion as a system of perception: the study of participation in a church wedding ceremony ." In Miscellany «Beliefs and religion of modern Russia, 90-101, Moscow: "SREDA".
Zabaev Ivan, Oreshina Daria, Prutskova Elena. 2014. "Social Capital of the Russian Orthodox Christianity in the Early 21st Century: Applying Social Network Analysis." State, Religion and Church in Russia and Worldwide, 1 (32): 40-66, Moscow.
"The article examines the influence of religion on social capital formation in Russia. The study suggests that active involvement of the parishes in the organization of social work, based on the principles of delegation of power and authority from priests to the laity, increases the parish social networks, attaching more lay people to it, including those who are "unchurched". The data for the article come from the research projects conducted in 2011 – 2013 at the "Sociology of Religion" Research Seminar, St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University: a mass survey of parishioners of 12 Russian Orthodox Church parishes, located in different types of settlement and in different regions of Russia (the total sample size is 985 respondents); in-depth interviews with parishioners and priests at 15 Russian Orthodox Church parishes (153 interviews altogether); and the first wave of a nationwide survey "OrthodoxMonitor" (national representative sample of 1500 respondents)"
Krihtova Tatiana. 2013. "Political activity in charismatic churches "Word of Life" in 2012-2013." Human and Religion: collection of articles, Minsk.
Prutskova Elena. 2013. "Child bearing in Europe: religious socialization effect." Demoscope Weekly, 549, 1-4.
Prutskova Elena. 2013. "Religiosity and its consequences in the sphere of norms and values." Sociological Journal, 2, 72-88.
"The article discusses factors which determine cross-cultural differences in the strength of relationship between religiosity and its consequences in the sphere of norms and values. Analysis is based on the data of European Values Study (2008). The role of primary religious socialization as an important characteristic of social environment, which determines the nature of this relationship, is examined. The thesis of the importance of religious congruence phenomenon is substantiated."
Prutskova Elena, Zabaev Ivan. 2013. "Social network analysis as a research method for evaluation of the social dimension of religiosity." Man and Religion. , 82-86, Minsk: Izdatelskiy Center BGU. Izdatelstvo "Chetire Chetverti".
Vorontsova Elena. 2013. "Religious publications in Russia (2000 - 2013)." Vestnik PSTGU. Series 1: Theology, Philosophy, 48 (4): 101-119.
Vrublevskaya Polina. 2013. "Study on church wedding ritual: observing the order of orthodox Christian semantic system ." Sociology of power, №1-2, 99-110, Moscow: RANEPA.
Zabaev Ivan, Prutskova Elena. 2013. "Factors of community development at Russian Orthodox Church parishes in the beginning of the 21st century. A survey of priests, parishioners, and social workers of Moscow parishes." Moscow State University Bulletin, Series 18. Sociology and Political Science, 115-125.
"The article discusses the bases for the Orthodox parish community concept construction and operationalization, and analyzes the factors contributing to community development. This article is based on the results of the “Russian Orthodox Church social work organization at Moscow parishes” study completed by the “Sociology of Religion” research project team at St.Tikhon’s Orthodox University. The study includes a quantitative survey of priors, priests, parishioners, and social workers of Moscow parishes. Parish size and location, as well as the clergy characteristics and leadership style are emphasized as the main factors contributing to the opportunities of building a “strong” parish community."
Zabaev Ivan, Oreshina Daria, Prutskova Elena. 2013. "Peculiarities of Social Work at the Russian Orthodox Church Parishes: an Issue of Conceptualization." The journal of social policy studies, Volume, 11, 3, 355-368.
Zabaev Ivan, Melkumyan Elena, Oreshina Daria, Pavlyutkin Ivan, Prutskova Elena. 2013. "The impact of religious socialization and belonging to a religious community on fertility. The problem formulation." Demoscope Weekly, 553.
Zabaev Ivan, Prutskova Elena. 2013. "The social network of the Orthodox parish community: possibilities for applying the Analysis of social networks to the sociology of religion." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology, 4 (48): 120-136.
Emeliyanov Nikolay. 2012. "Theology in the system of scientific knowledge (in the papers of the discussion concerning to the theological education in 1905–1906)." Vestnik PSTGU. Series II: History. History of the Russian Orthodox Church, 2 (45): 7-19.
"He article deals with the question that is the important for the understanding both the current state of science and education and the history. The author explains the problem of the theology’s place in the system of a scientific knowledge by giving the materials of the discussion at the Office preceding the All-Russia Church Local Council in 1906. He investigates the discussion and detects the systematic point of view."
Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2012. "Breaking boundaries between church and state: the case of Orthodox University." Ethnographic Review, 3, 47-64.
"Despite the standpoint that postulates the presence of a tight boundary between the state and the church in the area of education and that currently dominates in the public space, there are projects that are being initiated and realized today and that let us question its consistency. The aim of the article is to discuss these “impossible” projects exploiting the friction at the overlap. This article draws on participant observation fieldnotes, as well as 24 in-depth interviews with the staff, students, and graduates of a private Orthodox Christian University, conducted in 2011. In interpreting the research results, the author employs the principle of explaining the entrepreneurial exploitation of uncertainty, which was introduced by David Stark who expounded on the notion of heterarchy as an organizational form
conducive to the productive untangling of complex situations."
Pavlyutkina Elena. 2012. "«Binding» and Responsibility: Aspects of Non-Governmental Organizations’ Work with the Homeless. The Case of Religious Organizations." The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 4, 539-554.
Prutskova Elena. 2012. "Religiosity and tolerance towards behavior forms, censured by major religions (based on European Values Study)." XIII April international academic conference on economic and social development (in 4 volumes). Vol. 2. Ed. by E.G. Yasin, 647-656, Moscow: NRU HSE.
Prutskova Elena, Zabaev Ivan. 2012. "The community of the Orthodox parish church: space, place, and the formative factors of the parish community with Moscow as an example." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology, 3 (41): 57-67.
Prutskova Elena. 2012. "The Concept of Religiosity: Operationalization in Empirical Research." State, Religion and Church in Russia and Worldwide, 2 (30): 268-293.
"The article presents a review of various ways to operationalize the concept of religiosity in quantitative research. The author describes the main stages in the development of quantitative approach to the study of religiosity, and then explores operationalization methods used within four major comparative surveys — International Social Survey Program, European Values Study, World Values Survey, and European Social Survey."
Vorontsova Elena. 2012. "Duhovnye stihi i apokrify." Materialy k istorii staroobryadchestva Yuzhnoi Vyatki: po itogam kompleksnyh arheograficheskih ekspedicii MGU im. M. V. Lomonosova : sbornik dokumentov., Moscow: MAKS Press, 177-207.
Zabaev Ivan. 2012. "Empirical approach in practical theology (the example based on J.Van der Ven’s work analysis)." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology, 5 (43): 33-46.
Zabaev Ivan, Prutskova Elena. 2012. "Social support networks in Orthodox church community. Based on a survey of 3 large Moscow parishes." VI theoretical and practical conference "Contemporary sociology for contemporary Russia": Collection of articles in memoriam of the first Dean of the Faculty of Sociology at NRU HSE, A.O. Kryshtanovsky. 1-3 February 2012. Moscow. Moscow: NRU HSE, 598-608.
Zabaev Ivan, Prutskova Elena. 2012. "“Network” concept in social sciences. An application for parish research in the beginning of the XXI century." 4th Regular All-Russian Sociological Congress “Sociology and society: global challenges and regional development” . Moscow: ROS, 4732-4739.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2011. "Infinite responsibility as the basis for sociality in Levinas’ philosophy." MSU bulletin, Series VII: Philosophy (4): 26-37.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2011. "Revelation as a dialogue: The God and the Man in the “Star of Redemption” by F.Rosenzweig." Philosophical sciences (7): 110-118.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2011. "The God as the Other in philosophy of F.Rosenzweig, F.Ebner, M.Buber." KSU bulletin, 3 (17): 52-56.
Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2011. "Constructing University as an Organization." Economic Sociology, Vol. 12, 1, 104-123.
Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2011. "Fatherhood. The role of a man in a childbearing planning." Human being, 2, 124-132.
"The article covers fatherhood as a determinant of procreative behavior. Based on in-depth face-to-face interviews, our research was aimed to explore the subjective experience of male as procreative beings. One of the hypotheses is that male's responsibility estrangement prevents them from a decision making and family planning for two or more children."
Prutskova Elena, Oreshina Daria. 2011. "Social work at ROC parishes: who should do it and who does? ." International scientific and practical conference "The social doctrine of the Church and the present". 12 -13 may 2011. Orel: Alexander Vorobyov, 265-269.
Prutskova Elena. 2011. "The influence of different religiosity question wordings on respondents' answers." Sociological methods in contemporary research practice: Collection of articles in memoriam of the first Dean of the Faculty of Sociology at NRU HSE, A.O. Kryshtanovsky, Moscow: NRU HSE, 488-495.
Vorontsova Elena. 2011. "N. Luhmann’s sociology of religion and protestant theology." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology, 4 (36): 52-61.
Vorontsova Elena. 2011. "Protestant Theological reception of the N. Luhmann’s sociology of religion." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology, 4 (36): 52-61.
Zabaev Ivan. 2011. "Grounded theory logics of data analysis: B.Glaeser’s version." Sociology: methodology, procedures and mathematical models, 32, 124-142.
Zabaev Ivan. 2011. "Problem of “individualism” in contemporary Russian orthodox Christianity (based on biographical interviews with parishioners and expert interviews with priests of Russian Orthodox Church)." Parishes and communities in contemporary orthodox Christianity: root structure of Russian religiosity, Moscow: VES MIr, 341-354.
Zabaev Ivan. 2011. "Rationality, responsibility and medicine: a problem of childbearing motivation in Russia at the beginning of the XXI century." Economic Sociology, Vol. 12, 2, 21-48.
Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2010. "Organizational changes in Russian universities: institutionalization of quality management system." Sociology of education, 3, 48-58.
"The results of research of organizational changes in Russian universities based on quality of education are represented in the article. Typical consequences of introduction of an idea of quality management on organizational structure level are shown in series of interviews with top-management of six state universities. Negative expectations concerning implementation of quality management systems is followed by localization of this idea inside separate university subdivisions and ceremonial organizational restructuring."
Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2010. "Universities, rankings and the market: institutional effects of rankings in the field of higher education." Educational Studies, 1, 25-51.
"The article analyzes the effects of introducing the institute of ranking into the higher education system. The function of ratings is to remedy market failures, to create incentives for competition, and for the efficient choice of education institution by customers. However, the research of the last decade dealing with the influence of ratings on the behavior of universities shows that ratings gained symbolic power in the education service market, by which they provide advantages to certain institutions to the detriment of others. That has created a lack of trusts to ratings and even their boycott by a number of institutions. The consideration of university rankings as a social comparison practice can elucidate the mechanism of influence of ratings on the behavior of universities."
Vorontsova Elena, Antonov Konstantin. 2010. "Modern problems of Religious studies: program.".
Zabaev Ivan. 2010. "Contemporary Pentecostal economic ethic: Critical analysis of the proceedings by D.Martin." Sociological Magazin, 3, 90-106.
Zabaev Ivan. 2010. "Problem of Pentecostal Ethic in the works of D.Martin." Sociological Journal, 3, 90-106.
Zabaev Ivan. 2010. "The problem of childbearing motivation and continuity of reproductive behavior." Demoscope Weekly, 447.
Zabaev Ivan. 2010. "“Own life”, education, childbearing: Motivation of reproductive behavior in modern Russia ." Bulletin of public opinion. Data. Analysis. Discussion., 3 (105): 87-97.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2009. "Image of Gavriil Belistokski in Christian and Jewish world-view in modern Belarus." History-myth-folklore in Jewish and Salvia cultural tradition: collection of articles. 2009 Human and religion: experience of Shiite Lebanon. Eurasian researches, 114-117.
Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2009. "About the management potential in Russian higher education institutions." The development of higher education in Russia: 2009-2011, Moscow: Maks Press, 99-175.
Pavlyutkina Elena, Puzanov K.. 2009. "Socio-Spatial segregation in contemporary city: study of Khabarovsk's districts. ." City Almanac, 4, 221-235, Moscow.
Vorontsova Elena. 2009. "Dissemination and variation of a charm “Dream of the Mother of God” {Son Bogorodicy} in Selivanovsky square of the Vladimir religion." Religiovedenie, 2, 37-50.
Vorontsova Elena. 2009. "Kurt Rudolph. Leipzig und die Religionswissenschaft : [translation of the fragment of the work]." Researches in Religious Studies, 1/2, 92-100.
Zabaev Ivan. 2009. "Image of a child in the vision of russian megapolis citizens. Study, based on the materials of biographical interviews with Russians of reproductive age." Inter, 5, 40-55.
Zabaev Ivan. 2008. "Orthodox ethic and the spirit of socialism (Towards substantiation of the hypothesis)." Russian Polity [2007 - 2008], 58-75.
"The article traces possible channels of influence of a religious factor on the formation of a specific Russian version of socialism. Using the logics of the M.Weber’s work “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”, author reveals the categories that played a dominating role in the people’s consciousness in the pre-revolutionary Russia. According to his conclusion, these categories were “obedience” and “resignation”. It was obedience and resignation that assured the salvation (main value in Orthodoxy) of an Orthodox person. In everyday life such orientations were easily transformed into the readiness to obey the “superior”. Once elaborated, they turned to be quite stable and, being separated from their religious roots, ensured a sort of asceticism on the secular path."
Krihtova Tatiana. 2008. "Internet-blog as innovation way of religion sermon." Human@Religion@Internet: materials of international science internet-conference, 92-105.
Krihtova Tatiiana. 2008. "Technical science and new religion movements (example of situation in MPTI)." Science and religion: perspectives of dialog in the modern world: materials of international summer school if religion studies, 64-70, Volgograd.
Pavlyutkina Elena, Grishina E., Feoktistova O.. 2008. "Quality of services." Socialnaya zashita, 9, 22-26.
Pavlyutkina Elena, Misikhina S.. 2008. "Review of Advances in Child Care Deinstitutionalization and Development of Forms of Family Placement in the Russian Federation. Review of the System of Deprivation of Parental Rights. Examination of Reasons for Child Abandonments at Birth and Ways of thei." Reports. United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Institute for Urban Economics.
Pavlyutkina Elena. 2008. "Socio-spatial urban segregation: problems of definition and research." City Almanac (3): 237-245.
Vorontsova Elena. 2008. "Methodology in the study of Old Believers in modern Russia." Religion in the changing world, 172-176, Volgograd.
Vorontsova Elena. 2008. "Religious symbolic in Russian folk fairy tales." RELIGIO, 1 (2004-2007): 16-21.
Vorontsova Elena. 2008. "Religious symbolic in Russian folk fairy tales." RELIGIO 1 (2004-2007), 16-21.
Vorontsova Elena. 2008. "The image of man in the charm 'Son Bogorodizi'." RELIGIO, 1 (2004-2007), 145-148.
Vorontsova Elena. 2008. "The image of man in the charm “Son Bogorodizi”." Religo, 1 (2004-2007): 145-148.
Vorontsova Elena. 2008. "“The G. van der Leeuw’s idea of “the phenomenology of religion”” (in Russian)." 5, 44-45, Kiev.
Zabaev Ivan. 2008. "Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism: critics of weberian hypothesis of XX century, 30-60 years." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology. Philosophy , 1 (21): 61-79.
"The article describes and analyzes critical arguments aimed at falsifi cation of the famous hypothesis of M. Weber about the possible infl uence of Protestant ethics on the development of western capitalism. The key theses of the second generation of critics (dated 1930–1960) are presented in the paper. All the main counterarguments to this hypothesis were formulated during this period. The paper also indicates the main points of weberian argument due to which the supporters of the theory still manage to advocate the hypothesis."
Krihtova Tatiiana. 2007. "Religion self-identification as element of political identification in modern Belarus." RELIGO. Miscellany of Moscow society for religion studies, 1, 149-163, М.
Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2007. "Resource-dependence and institutions: the determinants of HEI’s strategies in three organizational populations." Educational studies, 3, 220-239.
Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2007. "“University’s dilemma” on the way to market. What can “new institutionalism” say about educational organization? : (сomment on the article Barbara Czarniawska, Kristina Genell. «Gone shopping? Universities on their way to the market». Scandinavian Journal." Economics of university: institutions and organizations, 151-167.
Vorontsova Elena. 2007. "“Images of the beyond in Russian folk tales and Christian apocrypha” (in Russian)." Vstrecha, 2 (25): 33-37.
Zabaev Ivan. 2007. "Main Categories of Contemporary Russian Orthodox Church economic ethic (part I)." Social Reality, 9, 5-26.
Zabaev Ivan. 2007. "Main Categories of Contemporary Russian Orthodox Church economic ethic (part II)." Social Reality, 10, 36-62.
Zabaev Ivan. 2007. "Motivation of economic action in the ethics of Russian orthodoxy." Monitoring of public opinion: economic and social changes, 1 (81): January – march 2007, 149-160.
Vorontsova Elena. 2005. "W.B.Kristensen “The meaning of Religion”, translation of the fragment of the work." Study of Religion ("Religiovedenie"), 2, 115-121.
Zabaev Ivan. 2005. "Orthodoxy and economy. The review of Russian-language studies, dissertations, conferences, polemics on main socio-economic doctrines of Russian Orthodox Church in the period of XIX - the beginning XXI centuries." Economic sociology, 5, 108-145.
Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2004. "Towards the concept of “new managerialism”: university governance in the market situation." Educational studies, 3, 57-65.
Oreshina Daria, Tikhomirov Vladislav. 2003. "Alumnus at the market of sociological sciences." Sociological Studies, 3.
Zabaev Ivan. 2001. "Religion and the problem of modernization (M.Weber and S.Bulgakov)." Economic sociology, 2, 4, 69-102.
Zabaev Ivan, Ermolaev Andrey. 2001. "To the problem of Zemskaya Statistics methodology." Sociological studies, 11, 129-135.