Elizaveta Kostrova took part at the international conference “Issues in contemporary phenomenology” (March 23-26, Warsaw)

1From March 23 to March 26, 2017, the University of Warsaw and the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sceinces, in cooperation with the Polish Phenomenological Association, organized an international conference “Issues in contemporary phenomenology”. Contemporary phenomenology is, on the one hand, a specific discipline with its own method, aim and object of research. On the other, it is a very diverse current, constantly changing and in dialog with other scientific disciplines. The conference aim was to determine the current condition of phenomenology and present the most interesting directions of research and dialog between phenomenology and other disciplines. Within this framework, a wide range of topics were discussed, including Phenomenology of the Body, Phenomenology of intersubjectivity, Phenomenology and theology, Phenomenology and aesthetics, Phenomenology and feminism, Phenomenology and psychoanalysis, Phenomenology and cognitive sciences. Among the keynote speakers were several outstanding contemporary experts in phenomenology, e.g. Dan Zahavi (CFSR, University of Copenhagen), Nicolas de Warren (Husserl Archives, KU Leuven), Renaud Barbaras (Université Paris-Sorbonne), Didier Franck (Université Paris-Nanterre). Elizaveta Kostrova was present at the conference and presented the paper “The third party: interpretations and meaning in phenomenology and science”.