On the 19of November 2020 an international online-workshop was held. It was organized by members of “Sociology of Religion” research laboratory and researchers from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan. The seminar was devoted to the discussion of the methodology for studying families’ life during the period of self-isolation, as well as the introduced social policy measures. This spring online surveys were conducted by two research centers in Russia and Italy during the Covid-19 pandemic. The online-survey in Russia was conducted within the framework of the project “The Paradox of Interrelation between Religion and Family in Modern Russia (Research grant RSF)”.
The following reports were presented:
- The family impact of government measures during the Covid19 pandemic in Italy: are families asking for subsidiarity? (Elisabetta Carrà, Matteo Moscatelli)
- Family and Reflexivity under Pandemic (Elena Prutskova, Ivan Pavluytkin)
- Reconciling work and relationships during the Covid-19 emergency (Sara Mazzucchelli, Maria Letizia Bosoni)
The seminar was also attended by Chiara Ferrari, Ivan Zabaev, Elizaveta Kostrovа,Elena Melkumyan, Mariia Goleva, Kirill Markin, Tatiana Krihtova, Dmitry Markov.
We thank all the participants for the fruitful discussion!