A review of an article written by Ivan Pavlyutkin and Olga Borisova was published on the Research and Education Website IQ.hse.ru, 14 of November, 2019

On the 14 of November, 2019, a review of the article “The Revival of Tradition, New Marriages or Network Effects: Variability of Models of Modern Urban Large Families?” (the 4th issue of the journal “Mir Rossii”, 2019) written by Olga Borisova and Ivan Pavlyutkin was published on the Research and Education Website IQ.hse.ru. The article presents the results of the project «The Paradox of Interrelation between Religion and Family in Modern Russia (Research grant RSF)».

The full text of the review “Three to Ten Why families choose to have more children, more often” can be found here.