In foreign languages
Pavlyutkin Ivan, Goleva Mariia. 2021. "Il paradosso russo del matrimonio. Quale nesso con la poverta relazionale?" In D. Bramanti, E. Cara (a cura di), Famiglia e poverta relazionale, Multidimensionalita del fenomeno e buone pratiche innovative, Vita&Pensiero, Milano, 127-150.
Zabaev Ivan. 2021. "Exalting the Other: Remark on Pope Francis theses on Vocation in Christus Vivit." In K. Csiszar, J. Pock, & J. Vik (Eds.), Pastoraltheologie in Mitteleuropa: Bestandsaufnahme und Entwicklungsmoglichkeiten, 111-128, Matthias Grunewald Verlag.
Pavlyutkin Ivan, Goleva Mariia, Borisova Olga. 2021. The Sea of Life: How Large Families Are Born in Modern Russia. Moscow: PSTGU.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2021. "Communion of the ROC During the Coronavirus Epidemic in the Context of the Anthropology of Purity." The sociology of religion in Late Modern society: religion and values. Collection of Articles on the Materials of the X International Scientific Conference, 10, 89-101.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2021. "Modern Orthodox Priests' Perception of the Purposes and Effects of Personal Prayer." Bulletin of STOU. Series I: Theology. Philosophy, 93, 65-76.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2021. "Pastoral Theology ”in Modern Orthodox Theological Seminaries: Between“ Teaching ”and“ Upbringing ”." Bulletin of the Leningrad State University. AS Pushkin, 1, 124-138.
Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2021. "How the Sense of Community Arises in Marriage: The Logic of Mutuality in the Narratives of Women from Large Families." Journal of Economic Sociology, Vol. 22, № 4, 11-34, DOI: 10.17323/1726-3247-2021-4-11-34 (in Russian).
Goleva Mariia. 2021. "Relational Reflexivity Of Young Spouses: Reflection On Research Methodology." Paper presented at the Interim Meeting “Extended family relationships: What are they in late modernity?” of research network “Sociology of Families and Intimate Lives” (RN 13) of European Sociological Association. 21 January 2021. Book of abstracts, 5-7.
Goleva Mariia. 2021. "Transition to Marriage: Newlyweds’ Perspective." Abstract book of the 15th Conference of European Sociological Association. 31 August - 3 September 2021. ISBN 978-2-9581586-0-6, 512.
Lyubinarskaya Nina. 2021. "Family As A Total Institution: How "I" Transforms In Isolation." Abstract book of the 15th Conference of European Sociological Association. 31 August - 3 September 2021. ISBN 978-2-9581586-0-6, 518.
Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2021. "Extended Christian Families in Post-Secular Russia. On the Role of Godparenthood and Family-Alliances during the Transition to Parenthood in Families with three and more Children." Paper presented at the Interim Meeting “Extended family relationships: What are they in late modernity?” of research network “Sociology of Families and Intimate Lives” (RN 13) of European Sociological Association. 21 January 2021. Book of abstracts, 13-14.
Working Papers
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