In foreign languages
Emeliyanov Nikolay. 2016. "The temporal structure of the activities of priests and the substantive effects of religious life in contemporary Russia." Russian Sociological Review, №4 (15), pp.176-201.
"The article employs theoretical perspective of religious market to discuss the gap between the indicators of religious identification (69%) and indicators of engagement in religious practices (3%) in contemporary Russian society and the linked issue of insignificant influence of religiosity on population values and behavior according to mass surveys data. As the subsample of practicing Orthodox Christians demonstrates that religiosity has a very strong influence on values, marriages and reproductive behavior, rates of social diseases, etc. (I. Zabaev, E. Prutskova, D. Oreshina), the absence of religiosity effects in mass surveys data demands deeper investigation. Majority of studies interpret the gap between religious identification and participation in religious practices in the perspective of the secularization theory. We suggest reinterpretation of religious processes in Russia within the framework of the religious supply-side model. On the basis of the theory of religious economy (R. Stark, W. S. Bainbridge, R. Finke, L. Iannaccone, and others) we develop model of the religious market in the countries with religious monopoly. Depending on the average time spent on the confession, we model different evaluations of the religious market supply-side. Our analysis reveals that religious supply in Russia is significantly restricted by inaccessibility of given population of priests for regular participation in confession. The model of religious supply suggests the alternative to mainstream secularization discourse hypothesis for the explanation of the gap between Orthodox Christian identification and participation in confession and communion practices in contemporary Russia."
Markina Irina. 2016. "Family relations in the relational sociology by Pierpaolo Donati." Research results. A series of "Sociology and Management", 2 (1 (7)), 70-82.
Vrublevskaya Polina. 2016. "On forthcoming perspectives of solidarity: religion and morality in E. Durkheim’ social theory." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology. Philosophy 4 (66), 67-83, Moscow: PSTGU.
"Usually religion is placed at the center of Emile Durkheim’ theory as it performs the function of solidarity production and maintenance within a community. However, this way of perception of durkheimian conception gets useless regarding present reality because today religion hardly remains the common element of the social life for individuals living together. In «Elementary forms of religious life...» (1912). Durkheim quite superficially touches upon the topic of solidarity in contemporary society, but the reader has every reason to believe that durkheimian theory implies the upgrade of the fundamental bases and solidarity mechanisms. This article proposes to rebuild durkheimian social theory in order to demonstrate the continuity between religion and morality, as Durkheim supposes. Key to successful shift in emphasis from religion to morality is a return to the very key category of «sacred». Sacred is viewed as an integral part of the religious system which is true, but not comprehensive. The interpretation of «sacred» via «religious» overshadows an important fact, that the first one is a generator for the latter. This weighty remark allows us to take the next step and say that just as for religious system of representations, sacred becomes the basis of morality. Here and now the author undertakes an attempt to release the category of «sacred» from a strict religious interpretation, traces the line of functional continuity between religion and morality and reveals a new perspective on the mechanisms of solidarity in contemporary society."
Emeliyanov Nikolay. 2016. "The issue of the number of priests in the USA and the UK in the second half of the 20th century." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology. Philosophy 3 (65), 89-111, Moscow: PSTGU.
"The author analyzes different approaches towards evaluating the number of Roman Catholic and Protestant priests in the USA and in the Church of England. He considers the three narratives in the framework of which the problem under investigation has been posed: the “demography of the priesthood”, the “priest labor market” and the “territorial distribution of the clergy”. Schoenherr’s model (1993) is built upon the “organizational demography” approaches as well as upon the theory of rational choice and asks the question about what is going to happen to the population of the Catholic priests in the US in the nearest twenty years. Demographic tendencies for a long time prevalent lead to substantial changes in the overall structure of the population. The singling out of such tendencies and the determining factors behind them is extremely important for organizational planning. American Protestant denominations have toward the end of the 20th century found themselves in the situation of redundancy of priests. The research authored by Carroll (1980) is based upon the logic of the labor market and considers the interrelation between three values: number of the members of a Church; number of priests; number of churches. These values reflect the offer and demand dynamics in the priest labor market. The researcher calculates the number of payments necessary to ensure the receiving of constant salary by a priest. He analyzes the factors determining the offer and demand interrelation in the labor market. The research poses the question about the functions exercised by a priest. Still another tendency in the research on the number of priests exists in the Church of England; this tendency is connected with the issue of optimum territorial distribution of priests. The key research work here is the so-called “Paul report” (1964) which establishes the dependence of involvement in religious practices on the three following factors: number of those with full or part-time occupation in the sphere of pastoral activities; number of inhabitants of a given territory; number of churches in a given territory. The article points at the absence in the Christian discourse of normative criteria which could allow to determine the number of priests. The author also investigates how the number of priests influences the religious situation in a country as well as various processes in other social spheres (economy, politics, demography, etc.)."
Goleva Mariia, Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2016. "Social networks and fertility." Journal of Economic Sociology, 1 (17): 83-98.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2016. "Some aspects of the role of religion in the public sphere." Researches in Religious Studies, 1 (13): 190-199.
Krihtova Tatiana, Aleksin Kirill. 2016. "Ritual-making and care-providing, together or separately? Based on the time budget of modern Orthodox
priests." Religious Studies. T. 4, 89-95.
Krihtova Tatiana, Aleksin Kirill. 2016. "Specificity of the social roles of orthodox of priests: an empirical study." Herald of the Russian Christian humanitarian academy. T. 17. No. 4, 75-87.
Markin Kirill, Prutskova Elena. 2016. "Individual and social dimension of religiosity." Materials of the V All-Russian Sociological Congress [Electronic resource (DVD)], 4848-4858.
Markina Irina. 2016. "Fundamentals of family policy in the relational sociology by Pierpaolo Donati
." Research results. A series of "Sociology and Management", 2 (2): 27-38.
"This article is an overview of family policy through the lens of relational sociology developed by an Italian philosopher and sociologist P. Donati in the end of XX c. According to him, the aim of family policy is to create conditions, which help family to realize its own possibilities maximally and to perform its functions, i.e. to create the essential base for the full formation of the Self. P. Donati claims that the lack of understanding of the essence and tasks of the family is the main cause of modern family policy's crisis in Europe. He analyzes three socio-political models (liberal, corporative and socialistic) from the family policy point of view and shows that within these models, no family policy is possible. Thus, P. Donati proposes his own model, which he calls “relational”. In this model, the subsidiarity is the main principle of family policy."
Melkumyan Elena. 2016. "Meta-analysis of fertility factors in Russian sociological research." Sociology and Society: social inequality and social justice (Yekaterinburg, October 19-21, 2016). Materials of the V All-Russian Sociological Congress [Electronic resource (DVD)] / Ed.: Mansurov V. A., 3793-3800, M.: Russian society of sociologists.
Oreshina Daria. 2016. "«Partnership parish»: the factor of priests and laity cooperation in the development of the Orthodox Church parishes social work in contemporary Russia
." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology. Philosophy 5 (67), 99-120, Moscow: PSTGU.
"The article suggests sociological analysis of the social relationships in the parish as a factor which promotes parish social work development. Basing on the empirical data, in the fi rst part of the analysis we trace the connection between the type of priests and laity social relationship in the parish and the quantitative indicators of parish social work development. These indicators are the number of non–liturgical activities in the parish, the number of people involved into parish social activities, and the number of organizations the parish has contacts with. In the Second part of the article, we present the description of the parish prior (head of a parish) styles of working with people in the relation of these styles to the formation of
diff erent types of priests–laity cooperation and promotion of the corresponding types of social work in the parish."
Prutskova Elena. 2016. "Not only liturgy: non-liturgical life of orthodox christian parish." Lodka, 2, 166-169.
Vorontsova Elena. 2016. "The history of Soviet science in the modern museum space: Academician V. L. Komarov." Sociology of Science and Technology, 7 (1): 63-73, (With Natalia P. Rybkina).
Vrublevskaya Polina. 2016. "Circulation of children’ items in Christian Orthodox parish: observations to the gift exchange theory." Researches in Religious Studies, 1 (13): 103-127.
Yudin Grigory, Oreshina Daria. 2016. "Gift exchange and control of consumer credit in Russian Orthodox communities
." Sociological Journal, 22 (2): 110-134.
"This paper discusses factors how morally dense communities regulate the consumer debt of their members by enacting both financial and non-financial mechanisms. We rely on the gift exchange theory to demonstrate how communities with high social density morally regulate consumer behavior of their members. We use the data gathered during an empirical study of economic activities of the members of Orthodox parishes in four Russian cities and suggest the four-stage model of the influence of community on the motivation and behavior of potential borrowers. The four elements, in the order of importance, are regulation of wants, non-financial mechanisms of satisfaction of wants, gratuitous financial aid, and distributed solidary responsibility for consumer credit. In contrast to atomized individuals who act upon the moral principles of preserving independence and relying only on themselves, members of parishes are governed by different moral imperatives: they are encouraged to ask for help and to suggest it to others. This paper demonstrates that communities can operate as agents of natural social control over consumer credit by both inducing deliberation on financial decisions and distributing the risks associated with consumer borrowing."
Oreshina Daria, Prutskova Elena. 2016. "Factors Influencing the Diversity of Non-Liturgical Activities in Russian Orthodox Church Parishes." 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology. The Futures That We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World. Book of Abstracts. Vienna: International Sociological Association. P, 525.
Prutskova Elena, Markin Kirill. 2016. "The problem of measuring orthodox religiosity in Russia (according to the All-Russian research of the Orthodox Monitor)." Sociology of Religion in the Society of Late Modernity: A Collection of Articles and Abstracts on the Materials of the VI International Scientific Conference on the 140th Anniversary of the Belgorod State University, Ed. S.D. Lebedev. 19-20 september. Belgorod "Epicenter" Ltd: 190-193.
Prutzkova Elena, Melkumyan Elena. 2016. "Motivation to visit the temples of the Russian Orthodox Church (according to the All-Russian research "Orthodox Monitor")." XVI April International Scientific Conference on the problems of economic development and society. Moscow: The pPp, 74-83.
Berdysheva Elena. 2016. "Nurturing the Seeds of Social Communities (Book Review on I. Zabayev, E. Melkumyan, D. Oreshina et al.(Eds.). The Invisible Church. Social Effects of the Parish Community in Russian Orthodoxy. Moscow: St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University, 2015)." Social Sciences, 1 (47): 147-153.
Working Papers
Zueva Anna. 2016. "Current studies on the priest: an overview of major trends." Working Papers: "Sociology of Religion" Seminar, Series: Priest in Modern World, 2016-16, Moscow: PSTGU.
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