In foreign languages
Pavlyutkina Elena, Kovalenko Elena. 2010. Homelessnes: is there any exit? Moscow: The Institute for Urban Economics.
Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2010. "Organizational changes in Russian universities: institutionalization of quality management system." Sociology of education, 3, 48-58.
"The results of research of organizational changes in Russian universities based on quality of education are represented in the article. Typical consequences of introduction of an idea of quality management on organizational structure level are shown in series of interviews with top-management of six state universities. Negative expectations concerning implementation of quality management systems is followed by localization of this idea inside separate university subdivisions and ceremonial organizational restructuring."
Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2010. "Universities, rankings and the market: institutional effects of rankings in the field of higher education." Educational Studies, 1, 25-51.
"The article analyzes the effects of introducing the institute of ranking into the higher education system. The function of ratings is to remedy market failures, to create incentives for competition, and for the efficient choice of education institution by customers. However, the research of the last decade dealing with the influence of ratings on the behavior of universities shows that ratings gained symbolic power in the education service market, by which they provide advantages to certain institutions to the detriment of others. That has created a lack of trusts to ratings and even their boycott by a number of institutions. The consideration of university rankings as a social comparison practice can elucidate the mechanism of influence of ratings on the behavior of universities."
Vorontsova Elena, Antonov Konstantin. 2010. "Modern problems of Religious studies: program.".
Zabaev Ivan. 2010. "Contemporary Pentecostal economic ethic: Critical analysis of the proceedings by D.Martin." Sociological Magazin, 3, 90-106.
Zabaev Ivan. 2010. "Problem of Pentecostal Ethic in the works of D.Martin." Sociological Journal, 3, 90-106.
Zabaev Ivan. 2010. "The problem of childbearing motivation and continuity of reproductive behavior." Demoscope Weekly, 447.
Zabaev Ivan. 2010. "“Own life”, education, childbearing: Motivation of reproductive behavior in modern Russia ." Bulletin of public opinion. Data. Analysis. Discussion., 3 (105): 87-97.
Vorontsova Elena. 2010. ""Homo religiosus" v fenomenologii religii." XX Ezhegodnaya Bogoslovskaya konferenciya Pravoslavnogo Svyato-Tihonovskogo Gumanitarnogo Universiteta : Materialy. Vol. 1. 9-14 October 2009. Moscow: PSTGU, 244-246.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2010. "[Review] Dennett D.C. Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon." Религиоведческие исследования №2-3.
Vorontsova Elena. 2010. "[Review] Nazarchuk A.V. Teoriya kommunikacii v sovremennoi filosofii. M.: Progress-tradiciya, 2009. 320 s. ." Sokrat, 2, 220-221.
Zabaev Ivan. 2010. "[Review] Gill A. The Political Origins of Religious Liberty. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. XV, 263 p." St.Tikhon's Orthodox University Bulletin, 4 (32): 149-153.
Zabaev Ivan. 2010. "[Review] Haslinger H. Diakonie: Grundlagen fur die soziale Arbeit der Kirche. Schoningh, 2009." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology, 4 (36): 140-144.
Zabaev Ivan. 2010. "[Review] «Medicine, Religion and the Body» / Edited by Elizabeth Burns Coleman and Kevin White. Leiden, Boston: Brill 2010 ." Религиоведческие исследования, 7.
Working Papers
Oreshina Daria. 2010. " Catholic parish in the 2nd part of XX century: parish community factors." Working Papers, "Sociology of Religion" Seminar, Series: Quantitative religion research. International practice, 3 (2010): Moscow: PSTGU.
"«Catholic Parish in the 2nd part of XX Century: Parish Community Factors» is second review in the series of theoretical surveys «Problems of Church Communities Development. International Practice» for the St. Tikhon Orthodox University research project «Sociology of Religion» . General focus of these theoretical surveys is Christian communities’ development factors in different cultures and countries.
In the 2nd part of XX Century parish community becomes an issue of high importance both for Catholics and social researchers. This review focuses on community-like characteristics and how modern Catholic parishes meet them in their everyday parish life. How it’s possible to create a community in modern parish and what kind of a community it will be? What kind of role catholic parish may play in individual catholic life and society after the Second World War and Vatican-II?"
Oreshina Daria. 2010. "Catholic Parish Applied Research in the USA on the Eve of The Second Vatican Council." Working Papers, "Sociology of Religion" Seminar, Series: Problems of church communities development. International practice, 4 (2010): Moscow: PSTGU.
"Catholic Parish Applied Research in the USA on the Eve of The Second Vatican Council” is the third review in the series of theoretical surveys “Problems of Church Communities Development. International Practice” for the research project “Sociology of Religion” at St.Tikhons Orthodox University. General focus of these theoretical surveys is Christian communities’ development factors in different cultures and countries and methodological aspects of Christian communities research.
Early sociological parish researches in USA were being made in the situation of Catholic hierarchs misunderstanding and even sometimes resistance to the social science penetration to the sphere of the sacred. This review considers the researches of J.Schuyler and J.Ficher, who is known to be a classic of American parish sociology. Both J.Fichter and J.Schuyler in their works discuss problems, which are topical for contemporary church communities / congregation researches, for example: what kind of groups of Catholics (in relation to their involvement into worship and social parish life) are represented in the city parish? what is the ratio of different categories of believers in the parish? to what extent communication, collaboration and mutual support of parishioners are developed? "
Oreshina Daria. 2010. "Small Christian Communities in the Second Part of XX Century." Working Papers, "Sociology of Religion" Seminar, Series: Quantitative religion research. International practice, 1 (2010): Moscow: PSTGU.
"«Small Christian Communities in the 2nd part of XX Century» is a first review in the series of theoretical surveys «Problems of Church Communities Development.
International Practice» for the St. Tikhon Orthodox University research project «Sociology of Religion». General focus of these theoretical surveys is Christian communities’ development factors in different cultures and countries. The present review explores the noticeable Catholic movement of the 2nd part of the XX century, aimed at Church renewal, covered all the catholic world after the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). This movement is small Catholic/church communities, emerged as inside Catholic parishes as outside the official church institutions."
Prutskova Elena. 2010. "Quantitative research on sociology of religion: guidelines for cataloguing religion data resources." Working Papers, "Sociology of Religion" Seminar, Series: Quantitative religion research. International practice, 2 (2010): Moscow: PSTGU.
"This review was prepared as a part of the St.Tikhons Orthodox University research project "Sociology of Religion". The purpose of the text is to generate guidelines for cataloguing quantative religion research projects, data of which is available via the Internet and free for use. In the review we develop a classification of Internet resources (portals, databases and data archives of quantative research) and introduce a basic set of fields for a quantative religion research database."
Prutskova Elena. 2010. "Religiosity: operationalization and quantitative measurement methods ." Working Papers, "Sociology of Religion" Seminar, Series: Quantitative religion research. International practice, 5 (2010): Moscow: PSTGU.
"This review was prepared as a part of the St.Tikhons Orthodox University research project «Sociology of Religion». The purpose of the text is to identify the main ways to operationalize the concept of «religiosity» in quantitative research. In the first part of the text we look at the main stages in the development of quantitative approaches to the study of religiosity, then we compare the operationalization methods used within two international surveys – International Social Survey Program (2008) and European Social Survey (2008)."
Zabaev Ivan. 2010. "Is Max Weber Alive and Well and is he living in Guatemala? Critical analysis of D. Martin’s works, devoted to expansion of pentecostalism and it’s economic ethic." Working Papers, "Sociology of Religion" Seminar, Series: Problems of church communities development. International practice, 6 (2010): Moscow: PSTGU.
"The paper deals with problems of Pentecostalism development. The impact of it’s economic ethic and social organization on the well-being of its following is analyzed. Text concerns main hypotheses about the scale, specificity, possible directions of the impact. Main attention is given to the works of British sociologist D. Martin. The problem of a weberian logic from “Protestant ethic…” application to the problems mentioned is also reviewed."
Zabaev Ivan, Oreshina Daria, Prutskova Elena. 2010. "Methodological Problems of Parish Social Work Organization at Russian Orthodox Church in the beginning of XXI century." Working Papers, "Sociology of Religion" Seminar, Series: Empirical research results, 8 (2010): Moscow: PSTGU.
"This text discusses a range of problems which arise when attempts to develop the methodology of Orthodox Church social work are made. The paper is based on empirical data of the pilot study “Models of church social work organization at Moscow parishes (2010)”. This research is a part of St.Tikhons Orthodox University project “Sociology of religion”. Through the pilot study in 2010 32 in-depth interviews with priests and parishioners at Moscow parishes were made, 441 questionnaires were filled up by parish priests and parish social workers."
Golub M. 2010. "List of dissertations in the sociology of religion defended in Russia from 1990 till 2010." Working Papers, "Sociology of Religion" Seminar, Moscow: PSTGU.
"This list is based on the Russian State Library electronic catalogue, section "Dissertations" ( Search and selection of the papers was completed on November 5 - 7, 2010. At that period the catalogue of dissertations in sociology included of 9089 papers. The following list consists of papers, relevant for the sociology of religion."
Ivanova M. 2010. "Bibliography of publications in the sociology of religion (Russian scientific journals)." Working papers, "Sociology of religion" Seminar , Moscow: PSTGU.
"The bibliography was completed in November 2010.
Search of the publications was based on the following keywords: religion, religiosity, worship, confession, Orthodox / Orthodoxity, social work / social work of the church, the church and nonprofit organisations, church and State, sacred, secular / secularization, sect, church, denomination, congregation, ROC, Islam, Orthodox Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, NRM, parish, synagogue, Ummah, Mosque, Christianity, spirituality, Vatican, ceremony, ritual, fasting, vow, monastery, nun, occultism, mysticism, magic."
Teaching Materials