Borisova Olga. 2022. "Godparents and Godchildren in Russia (Based on Sociological Survey)." Moscow: Publishing House of Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University.
Goleva Mariia, Melkumyan Elena, Pavlyutkin Ivan, Prutskova Elena. 2022. Family, Work and Religion in the Period of Self-isolation: According to the 2020 Online Survey. Moscow: PSTGU.
Pavlyutkin Ivan, Goleva Mariia, Borisova Olga. 2021. The Sea of Life: How Large Families Are Born in Modern Russia. Moscow: PSTGU.
Yudin Greg, Vrublevskaya Polina, Emelyanov Nikolay, Zabaev Ivan, Koloshenko Yulia, Oreshina Daria, Zueva Anna. 2020. Living in Debt: Moral Economy of Debt and Consumer Credit in Russian Communities. Moscow: PSTGU.
"What are the moral foundations of the growing consumer credit market in Russia? What is the way to preserve credit-based economic growth without falling into the traps of the debt crises? This book is composed of several articles relying on the empirical study of debt morality in Russia in 2014. It provides a theoretical framework for analyzing debt relationships with the gift exchange theory. We demonstrate that the main moral driver of overindebtedness in Russia is the ethics of individual responsibility and independence. Dense communities, such as Orthodox parishes, produce solidarity in responsibility, protect their members from impulse loans and promote sustained economic development."
Emelyanov Nikolay. 2019. “The Harvest Truly is Plentiful, but the Laborers are Few”: The Problem of Cooperation between Clergy and Laity in Contemporary Russia. Moscow: PSTGU.
Oreshina Daria, Vrublevskaya Polina, Zabaev Ivan, Pavlyutkina Elena. 2018. “Partnership parish”: cooperation of priests and laity in the development of the Russian Orthodox Church parishes social work in the beginning of the XXI century. Мoscow: PSTGU.
Zabaev Ivan, Melkumyan Elena, Pavlyutkin Ivan, Pavlyutkina Elena, Prutskova Elena, Oreshina Daria. 2015. The Invisible Church: Social Effects of the Parish Community in Russian Orthodoxy. Collection of Articles of the Research Seminar “Sociology of Religion” (2011–2014). Moscow: PSTGU.
"The collection contains a number of articles resulting from the research seminar “Sociology of Religion” at St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University. The selection of the studies covers a wide range of topics: religious socialization, influence of religion on the birth rate, impacts of a Church-affiliated university, social network of the Orthodox community, social capital of the parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church, social activities of the Church, impacts of religiosity on the normative and regulatory sphere, and some other topics. The studies presented in the book were made in 2011–2014. Most of the articles are based on empirical (qualitative and quantitative) data obtained from the projects of the Research Seminar “Sociology of Religion”. Some publications were prepared using the analysis of secondary data derived from international comparative studies. The book is addressed to a wide circle of readers interested in the problems of functioning of religion in the societies which had undergone forced secularization."
Vorontsova Elena, Antonov Konstantin, al. et. 2014. Science of religion, Scientifical atheism, Religious studies: main problems of scientifical studies of religion in Russia XX-XXI centuries. M.: PSTGU-Press.
Emeliyanov Nikolay, Melkumyan Elena, Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2013. Orthodox Christian University and Society in Contemporary Russia. Behavior, Values and Attitudes of the St Tikhon's University Graduates. M: PSTGU.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2012. Bridges and Barriers: Drawing Attention to Language Policies and Integration of Low-Wage Labour Migrants as a Long-Term Strategy for Conflict Prevention in the OSCE Area/Redboud Honorous Academy. Nijmegen.
Zabaev Ivan. 2012. Categories of Contemporary Russian Orthodox Church Economic Ethics: Sociological Analysis. Moscow: PSTGU.
"This study is an attempt to apply the logic of M.Weber study "Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism" to Russian economic realities analisys. The book describes the results of the sociological study at several Russian Orthodox Church monasteries conducted during 2003 - 2004. For the validation of the empirical data was completed analysis of the popular literature, issued by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1990 - 2004."
Zabaev Ivan, Emeliyanov Nikolay, Pavlenko Ekaterina, Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2012. Family and childbearing in Russia. Categories of parental mind. Moscow: PSTGU.
"The book describes the results of the childbearing motivation study, based on the series of in-depth interviews with russian megapolises citizens of reproductive age. The project "Family and childbearing in Russia. Categories of parental mind" was conducted at St.Tikhon's Orthodox University in 2008-2009. The research is realized in the frame of grounded theory. Categories, used by actors in comprehention of childbearing and related issues, are the subject of discussion in the book. Also authors formulate sociological hypothesis as a response to the explanations of childbearing, developed in demography and economic science."
Zabaev Ivan, Oreshina Daria, Prutskova Elena. 2012. Three Moscow parishes: main socio-demographic characteristics and attitudes of the large parish communities members. Moscow: PSTGU (Reissued in 2016).
"The book describes main findings of the study "Three Moscow parishes. Main socio-demographic characteristics and attitudes of the large parishes communities members". The survey was conducted on 14.10.2012 in three large Moscow churches, distinctive (by expert evaluations) for their experienced clergy and strong parish communities. In this study representatives of the Orthodox parish community are compared with the average Russians on the main social indicators and value scales, significant in the perspective of the State/country development."
Pavlyutkina Elena, Kovalenko Elena. 2010. Homelessnes: is there any exit? Moscow: The Institute for Urban Economics.
Vorontsova Elena. 2009. Kurt Rudolph. Leipzig und die Religionswissenschaft : [translation of the fragment of the work]. Researches in Religious Studies 1/2, 92-100.
Vorontsova Elena. 2005. W.B.Kristensen “The meaning of Religion”, translation of the fragment of the work. Study of Religion ("Religiovedenie"), 2, 115-121.
Zabaev Ivan. 2005. The basic Methodological Concepts of Max Weber’s Historical Sociology. Moscow: MSSES.