In foreign languages
Vrublevskaya Polina, Moberg Marcus, Stazjer Slawomir. 2022. "The Role of Religion in Society and Public Life in Light of the Personal Perspectives of Young Adults in Post-Communist Russia and Poland." in: "The Diversity Of Worldviews Among Young Adults: Contemporary (Non)Religiosity And Spirituality Through The Lens Of An International Mixed Method Study", (ed. Peter Nynas et al), 285-301.
"“The Role of Religion in Society and Public Life in Light of the Personal Perspectives of Young Adults in Post-Communist Russia and Poland” in: "The Diversity Of Worldviews Among Young Adults: Contemporary (Non)Religiosity And Spirituality Through The Lens Of An International Mixed Method Study" (ed. Peter Nyn?s et al)"
Pavlyutkin Ivan, Makareva A. 2022. "Academic excellence through homogenization? Gaining legitimacy from the strategic positioning of top-ranked universities." In Radaev, V. and Kotelnikova, Z. (eds)." The Ambivalence of Power in the Twenty First-Century Economy: Cases from Russia and beyond, 237-261, London: UCL Press.
Vrublevskaya Polina. 2022. "‘I try not to save my soul, but to understand it’: Young adults from Finland, Poland and Russia on a spiritual quest." Approaching Religion, 12(1), 149-164.
Pavlyutkin Ivan, Goleva Mariia. 2021. "Il paradosso russo del matrimonio. Quale nesso con la poverta relazionale?" In D. Bramanti, E. Cara (a cura di), Famiglia e poverta relazionale, Multidimensionalita del fenomeno e buone pratiche innovative, Vita&Pensiero, Milano, 127-150.
Zabaev Ivan. 2021. "Exalting the Other: Remark on Pope Francis theses on Vocation in Christus Vivit." In K. Csiszar, J. Pock, & J. Vik (Eds.), Pastoraltheologie in Mitteleuropa: Bestandsaufnahme und Entwicklungsmoglichkeiten, 111-128, Matthias Grunewald Verlag.
Ackert, Michael, Prutskova Elena, Zabaev Ivan. 2020. "Validation of the Short Forms of Centrality of Religiosity Scale in Russia." Religions, 11 (11): 1-35.
Krihtova Tatiana et al. 2020. "A minority within a minority: Russian Evangelicals in Finland negotiating their identity and establishing their presence in society." Eight Essays on Russian Christianities.
Prutskova Elena. 2020. "Social vs. Individual Centrality of Religiosity: Research in Religious and Non-Religious Settings in Russia." Religions, 12 (15): 1-18.
Borisova Olga. 2019. "Il coinvolgimento del padre: differenze individuali e di gruppo." La bellezza della famiglia in Italia e in Russia: problemi e soluzioni, 75-83, ISBN 978-88-98080-30-4. Pharus Editore Librario. Livorno, Italia.
Emeliyanov Nikolay. 2019. "La famiglia del sacerdote come uno degli strumenti del servizio pastorale." La bellezza della famiglia in Italia e in Russia: problemi e soluzioni, 199-209, ISBN 978-88-98080-30-4. Pharus Editore Librario. Livorno, Italia.
Goleva Mariia. 2019. "Tipologia dei percorsi che portano alla famiglia numerosa: il caso delle grandi famiglie nella Russia contemporanea." La bellezza della famiglia in Italia e in Russia: problemi e soluzioni, 84-93, ISBN 978-88-98080-30-4. Pharus Editore Librario. Livorno, Italia.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2019. "La famiglia come triade: Jean-Luc Marion e gli studi sulla famiglia." La bellezza della famiglia in Italia e in Russia: problemi e soluzioni, 94-99, ISBN 978-88-98080-30-4. Pharus Editore Librario. Livorno, Italia.
Oreshina Daria. 2019. "Le pratiche di sostegno famigliare delle parrocchie della Chiesa Ortodossa nella Russia contemporanea: aiuto ai bisognosi VS mantenimento di una vita “normale”." La bellezza della famiglia in Italia e in Russia: problemi e soluzioni, 108-118, ISBN 978-88-98080-30-4. Pharus Editore Librario. Livorno, Italia.
Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2019. "Famiglia e comunita: in che modo la religione contribuisce alla crescita delle famiglie numerose in Russia?" La bellezza della famiglia in Italia e in Russia: problemi e soluzioni, 119-126, ISBN 978-88-98080-30-4. Pharus Editore Librario. Livorno, Italia.
Prutskova Elena. 2019. "Religiosita e natalit? nei Paesi europei. L’effetto del contesto sociale: “tentazione secolare”, “socializzazione religiosa primaria” o “difesa religiosa”? (Sulla base dello European Values Study)." La bellezza della famiglia in Italia e in Russia: problemi e soluzioni, 132-138, ISBN 978-88-98080-30-4. Pharus Editore Librario. Livorno, Italia.
Stensaker B., Lee J. J., Rhoades G., Ghosh S., Castiello-Gutierrez S., Vance H., Calikoglu A., Pavlyutkin I., Kramer V., Marei M. S., OToole L., Peel C. 2019. "Stratified university strategies: The shaping of institutional legitimacy in a global perspective." The Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 90, No. 4, 539-562.
Vrublevskaya Polina, Moberg Marcus, Sztajer Slawomir. 2019. "The role of grandmothers in the religious socialization of young adults in post-socialist Russia and Poland." Religion, 49 (2), 201-220, DOI: 10.1080/0048721X.2019.1584351.
Vrublevskaya Polina. 2019. "[Review] Tocheva, Detelina. 2017. Intimate divisions: street-level orthodoxy in post-Soviet Russia. Berlin: Lit Verlag. 185 pp. Pb.: US$45.00. ISBN: 978-3-643-90873-5." Social Anthropology, 27 (4): 723-724.
Zabaev Ivan. 2019. "Humility in the Economic Ethics of the Russian Orthodox Church: The Use of Max Weber’s Sociology of Religion for an Analysis of Contemporary Russian Orthodoxy." State, Religion, and Church, 6 (2): 4-28.
Zabaev Ivan, Prutskova Elena. 2019. "The Calling and Humility Scale: Extending the Weberian Approach to the Research of the Elective Affinity between Religion and the Economy." Russian Sociological Review, 18 (2): 62-88.
Zabaev Ivan. 2019. "Umilta e famiglia. Impostazione del problema nell’ambito della sociologia weberiana." La bellezza della famiglia in Italia e in Russia: problemi e soluzioni, 163-170, ISBN 978-88-98080-30-4. Pharus Editore Librario. Livorno, Italia.
Zueva Anna. 2019. "Vocazione al cattolicesimo: come e di cosa vivono i matrimoni interconfessionali in Russia." La bellezza della famiglia in Italia e in Russia: problemi e soluzioni, 139-144, ISBN 978-88-98080-30-4. Pharus Editore Librario. Livorno, Italia.
Vrublevskaya Polina. 2018. "Sacred beyond religion: cultivation of individuality in post-Christendom." Nonreligion and Secularity Research Network.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2018. "The Dyad and the Third Party: The Traces of Simmel’s Distinction in Phenomenology and Family Studies." AVANT, 9 (2): 187-202.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2018. "The “Ought”-Dimension in Value Theory: The Concept of the Desirable in John Dewey’s Definition of Value and Its Significance for the Social Sciences." Philosophy of Science / eds. A. Christian, D. Hommen, N. Retzlaff, G. Schurz. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 171-185.
Stensaker Bjorn, J. Lee Jenny, Ghosh Sowmya, Castiello-Gutierrez Santiago, Calikoglu Alper, Liu Shuiyun, Sayed Marei Mahmoud, Pavlyutkin Ivan, Peel Cassandra. 2018. "Stratified University Strategies: The Shaping of Institutional Legitimacy in a Global Perspective." The Journal of Higher Education, 1-24.
Vrublevskaya Polina. 2018. "[Review of the book]: Andrej Kotljarchuk and Olle Sundstrom (eds): Ethnic and Religious Minorities in Stalin’s Soviet Union: New Dimensions of Research." Temenos - Nordic Journal of Comparative Religion, 54(2), 222-225.
Zabaev Ivan, Mikhaylova Yana, Oreshina Daria. 2018. "Neither public nor private religion: the Russian Orthodox Church in the public sphere of contemporary Russia." Journal of Contemporary Religion, 33 (1): 17-38.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2017. "Der Alltag orthodoxer Priester in Russland." Religion & Gesellschaft in Ost und West, 10 (45): 13-14.
Emeliyanov Nikolay. 2016. "The temporal structure of the activities of priests and the substantive effects of religious life in contemporary Russia." Russian Sociological Review, №4 (15), pp.176-201.
"The article employs theoretical perspective of religious market to discuss the gap between the indicators of religious identification (69%) and indicators of engagement in religious practices (3%) in contemporary Russian society and the linked issue of insignificant influence of religiosity on population values and behavior according to mass surveys data. As the subsample of practicing Orthodox Christians demonstrates that religiosity has a very strong influence on values, marriages and reproductive behavior, rates of social diseases, etc. (I. Zabaev, E. Prutskova, D. Oreshina), the absence of religiosity effects in mass surveys data demands deeper investigation. Majority of studies interpret the gap between religious identification and participation in religious practices in the perspective of the secularization theory. We suggest reinterpretation of religious processes in Russia within the framework of the religious supply-side model. On the basis of the theory of religious economy (R. Stark, W. S. Bainbridge, R. Finke, L. Iannaccone, and others) we develop model of the religious market in the countries with religious monopoly. Depending on the average time spent on the confession, we model different evaluations of the religious market supply-side. Our analysis reveals that religious supply in Russia is significantly restricted by inaccessibility of given population of priests for regular participation in confession. The model of religious supply suggests the alternative to mainstream secularization discourse hypothesis for the explanation of the gap between Orthodox Christian identification and participation in confession and communion practices in contemporary Russia."
Krihtova Tatiana. 2016. "How to enter the Church when the door is closed. Language policies in Christian churches of Joensuu in the context of a migrant's choice." International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences , 6 (1): 41-51.
Oreshina Daria, Prutskova Elena, Zabaev Ivan. 2015. "The Social Capital of Russian Orthodox Christianity in the Early 21st Century Applying Social Network Analysis." State, Religion and Church, 2 (2): 6-29.
Pavlyutkin Ivan, Prutskova Elena, Melkumyan Elena. 2015. "Civic effects of higher education in Russia: religiosity, social capital and the ‘pure teaching effect’ of educational programmes." Tertiary Education and Management, 21 (3): 215-228.
"Higher education is valued as one of the main sources of civic participation and social benefit. In spite of the significant growth in the number of students over the last 20 years, Russia is still considered to be a country with a low level of civic engagement. Our study aims to respond to this contradictory standing and to explain the causes of student civic engagement. The survey conducted in 10 state universities has shown a difference in civic engagement index values among students from 4 educational programmes. The results of linear regression models have shown that, in addition to the ‘pure teaching effect’, such factors as religiosity and social capital influence student civic engagement."
Pavlyutkin Ivan, Yudin Greg. 2015. "Recording the Ambiguity: The Moral Economy of Debt Books in a Russian Small Town." Cultural Studies , 29 (5-6): 807-826.
Prutskova Elena. 2015. "Civic Effects of Higher Education in Russia: the Impact of Educational Programs." Higher Education in Russia and Beyond, 3, 14-15, Moscow.
Zabaev Ivan. 2015. "The Economic Ethics of Contemporary Russian Orthodox Christianity: A Weberian Perspective." Journal of Economic Sociology (4): 148-168.
"his article presents a discussion of the economic ethics of contemporary Russian Orthodoxy, manifested in the practices of economic actors, and Orthodox economic ideology, drawing on the approach formulated by Max Weber in The Pro-testant Ethic. Orthodox ideology and economic ethics are analyzed using popular Orthodox literature (1990–2004), doctrinal texts on social and economic issues, as well as materials gathered in ethnographic expeditions between 1999–2004 to eight monasteries in various regions of the Russian Federation. Key aspects of the economic ideology include love for one’s neighbor and work as a means for self-sufficiency; the result of work is considered to be the gift of God. Key ca-tegories of economic ethics are obedience and humility. This article concludes in the framework of Weber’s approach, that such ethics of obedience and humility determine the attitude towards economic activities, which the Russian Orthodox Church generates among its followers."
Zabaev Ivan, Zueva Anna, Koloshenko Yuliya. 2015. "Zabaev I. V. , Zueva A. V. , Koloshenko Y. A.
Humility and The Gift: The Elective Affinity of Institutions and Ethics in Orthodox Parishes." Journal of Economic Sociology (5): 118-139, Moscow.
"This article analyzes the economic ethics of modern Orthodox laity belonging to the Russian Orthodox Church. The article is based on an array of interviews with priests, and Orthodox laypersons (as well as non-believers and Catholics for comparison purposes). Data were collected via several projects from 2004 to 2014. Data (in-depth interviews from the recent projects 2012?2014 amount to 395) are analyzed by means of the grounded theory methods, including substantial and theoretical coding, theoretical sampling, and constant comparative method. Theories used include the concept of elective affinity between the motivation of economic activities and types of economic organization (Weber) and the typology of economic systems by K. Polanyi. This study attempts to show the elective affinity between the ethics of humility and the principle of economic integration known as reciprocity networks of mutual support of both churched and unchurched Russians, centered in the parishes and functioning on the basis of the logic of gift giving. Such a coupling of motivation and informal economy, invisible to the GDP, performs important functions in contemporary Russia which has a mix of economic types (such as generating of social capital or development of moral density and solidarity in local communities. They in it’s turn fulfill some economic functions — i.e. avoiding getting into the debt bondage or some others).The article deals with (the activated by humility ethics) reciprocity and its consequences for the community seeks to challenge the established view on Orthodox Christianity as an ‘unproductive’ culture, hindering economic development."
Melkumyan Elena, Prutskova Elena, Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2014. "Religiosity, Social Capital and Civic Engagement: Cluster Effects on Russian
Undergraduate Programmes
." Paper presented in track 5 at the EAIR 36 th Annual Forum in Essen, Germany 27-30 August 2014.
"In spite of the significant growth in the number of students over the last 20 years, Russia is still
considered to be a country with a low level of civic engagement. Our study aims to respond to this contradictory
standing and to explain the causes of student civic engagement. The survey conducted in 10 state HEIs has
shown a difference in Civic Engagement Index values among students from four educational programmes. The
results of linear regression models have shown that in addition to the ‘pure effect’ of the educational
programme, such factors as religiosity and social capital influence student civic engagement."
Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2014. "Gifts, Debts or Pin Money? On the Moral Ambiguity of Academic Contract in Russian Higher Education." Higher Education in Russia and Beyond, 2, 12-13, Moscow.
Pavlyutkin Ivan, Yudin Greg. 2014. "Recording the ambiguity: the moral economy of debt books in a Russian small town." Working papers by NRU Higher School of Economics. Series SOC "Sociology", No. WP BRP 49/SOC/2014, Moscow.
Zabaev Ivan. 2012. "Orthodox Ethic and the Spirit of Socialism. Towards a Substantiation of the Hypothesis [in Serbian]." Philosophy and Society, 23 (1): 1-20.
"The article traces possible channels of influence of a religious factor on the formation of a specific Russian version of socialism. Using the logics of the M. Weber’s work “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”, I. Zabaev reveals the categories that played a dominating role in the people’s consciousness in the pre-revolutionary Russia. According to his conclusion, these categories were “obedience” and “resignation”. It was obedience and resignation that assured the salvation (main value in Orthodoxy) of an Orthodox person. In everyday life such orientations were easily transformed into the readiness to obey the “superior”. Once elaborated, they turned to be quite stable and, being separated from their religious roots, ensured a sort of asceticism on the secular path. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179049: Politike dru?tvenog pam?enja i nacionalnog identiteta - regionalni i evropski aspekt]."
Zabaev Ivan. 2011. "Concept of “Ethics” in M. Weber’s book “Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”. It’s implication for the analysis of Russian Orthodox Church economic ethics." Crossroads Digest. The journal for the studies of Eastern European borderland, 6, 79-89.