Goleva Mariia. 2023. "Adaptation strategies to changes in time management during the transition to parenthood." Abstract book of the All-Russian Scientific Conference XVII Kovalev Readings "Russian society today: institutions, values, processes". Saint Petersburg State University, 1883-1884, ISBN 978-5-6050494-6-3.
Goleva Mariia. 2021. "Relational Reflexivity Of Young Spouses: Reflection On Research Methodology." Paper presented at the Interim Meeting “Extended family relationships: What are they in late modernity?” of research network “Sociology of Families and Intimate Lives” (RN 13) of European Sociological Association. 21 January 2021. Book of abstracts, 5-7.
Goleva Mariia. 2021. "Transition to Marriage: Newlyweds’ Perspective." Abstract book of the 15th Conference of European Sociological Association. 31 August - 3 September 2021. ISBN 978-2-9581586-0-6, 512.
Lyubinarskaya Nina. 2021. "Family As A Total Institution: How "I" Transforms In Isolation." Abstract book of the 15th Conference of European Sociological Association. 31 August - 3 September 2021. ISBN 978-2-9581586-0-6, 518.
Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2021. "Extended Christian Families in Post-Secular Russia. On the Role of Godparenthood and Family-Alliances during the Transition to Parenthood in Families with three and more Children." Paper presented at the Interim Meeting “Extended family relationships: What are they in late modernity?” of research network “Sociology of Families and Intimate Lives” (RN 13) of European Sociological Association. 21 January 2021. Book of abstracts, 13-14.
Markov Dmitry. 2020. "«Social background» of theology: is it possible to apply sociological methodology in theological research." Theology: history, problems, perspectives: Proceedings of the VIII All-Russian scientific-practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists with international participation. December 13-14, 2019. Lipetsk-Zadonsk: LSPU named after P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky,. 12-20.
Goleva Mariia. 2019. "The Social Meaning of Time in Family with Children: The Case of Russian Large Families." Paper presented at the 14th Conference of the European Sociological Association. August 20-23, 2019. Abstract book. ISBN 978-2-9569087-0-8: 342.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2019. "Empathy Versus Humility: Three Ways To Deal With The Other
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Melkumyan Elena. 2019. "Religiosity and life satisfaction: a survey of Orthodox parishes." Paper presented at XX April International Scientific Conference on the problems of economic development and society.
Moscatelli Matteo, Pavlyutkin Ivan, Goleva Mariia, Carra Elisabetta. 2019. "In Search of Relational Reflexivity at the Early Years of Marriage. A Comparative Study on Family Formation in Moscow and Milan." Paper presented at the 14th Conference of the European Sociological Association. August 20-23, 2019. Abstract book, ISBN 978-2-9569087-0-8: 310.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2018. "The concept of value and norm in modern social sciences: between theory and empiry." Ekaterinburg: Delovaya kniga, 40-44.
Melkumyan Elena, Prutskova Elena. 2018. "Economics, pedagogy, theology and humanities: does the specialty influence the basic values of students?" Moscow: HSE.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2017. "Religious Foundations of Power in Agamben and Foucault." Religion(s) and Power(s). International Conference. October 5-6, 2017. Book of Abstracts. Kaunas: 12.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2017. "The Third Party: Interpretations and Meaning in Phenomenology and Science." Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology. Book of Abstracts. Warsaw: 37-38.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2017. "Ritual-making and care-proving in time-budget of modern Orthodox priests." 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association "(Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities". 29 August - 1 September, 2017. 391-392, Abstract book, ISSN 2522-2562.
Pavlyutkin Ivan, Goleva Mariia. 2017. "Where do Large Families Come From? Determinants of Large Families’ formation in Russian cities." Paper presented at 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association "(Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities". Abstract book, ISSN 2522-2562. 29 August - 1 September, 2017. 391-392.
Oreshina Daria, Prutskova Elena. 2016. "Factors Influencing the Diversity of Non-Liturgical Activities in Russian Orthodox Church Parishes." 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology. The Futures That We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World. Book of Abstracts. Vienna: International Sociological Association. P, 525.
Prutskova Elena, Markin Kirill. 2016. "The problem of measuring orthodox religiosity in Russia (according to the All-Russian research of the Orthodox Monitor)." Sociology of Religion in the Society of Late Modernity: A Collection of Articles and Abstracts on the Materials of the VI International Scientific Conference on the 140th Anniversary of the Belgorod State University, Ed. S.D. Lebedev. 19-20 september. Belgorod "Epicenter" Ltd: 190-193.
Prutzkova Elena, Melkumyan Elena. 2016. "Motivation to visit the temples of the Russian Orthodox Church (according to the All-Russian research "Orthodox Monitor")." XVI April International Scientific Conference on the problems of economic development and society. Moscow: The pPp, 74-83.
Melkumyan Elena, Prutskova Elena. 2015. "A parishioner of the Russian Orthodox Church as an expert, describing his parish (based on Orthodox Monitor)." Religion and / or everyday life: IV International Scientific Conference “Religion and / or everyday life”, Ed. by S. I. Shatravskiy, M. V. Kazmiruk. April 16-18. Minsk: RIVSH: 154-160.
Melkumyan Elena, Oreshina Daria, Prutskova Elena. 2015. "Religious Factor and Civil Society: the Diversity of Social Life and Voluntary Associations in Russian Orthodox Church Parishes (based on the Orthodox Monitor Survey)." The 5th LCSR International Annual Conference “Cultural and Economic Changes under Cross-national Perspective”. November 16-20. LCSR, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Moscow: 39-40.
Prutskova Elena. 2014. "Religiosity and values in Europe: National context and religious socialization effect ." The 22nd Nordic Conference for Sociology of Religion Change and Continuity – Religion, State, Civil Society. Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen (P.29).
Prutskova Elena. 2013. "Orthodox Monitor: Toward a Holistic Model of Religious Influence on Values and Attitudes in Countries with Forced Secularization Experience." The 3rd International Annual Conference of the LCSR "Cultural and Economic changes under cross-national perspective". November 12-17. NRU HSE. Moscow: 39.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2013. "Russian-Speaking Community of Evangelical Christians in Helsinki: between Church and Diaspora." New Religiosity in Migration. BGU. Israel: 40-45.
Oreshina Daria, Prutskova Elena, Zabaev Ivan. 2013. "Orthodox Monitor": 3 waves of an all-Russian survey." 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association. July 15-19, 2013. Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Prutskova Elena. 2013. "Basic values of Russian Orthodox Church members: an application of Schwartz Portrait Value Questionnaire." 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association. July 15-19, 2013. Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Prutskova Elena. 2013. "Boundaries of the Orthodox parish community social network." X Congress of Russian ethnographers and anthropologists. 02–05.07.2013. Moscow: IEA RAS, 166-167.
Prutskova Elena, Zabaev Ivan. 2012. "Orthodox parish community: spatial localization and formation factors." IV Russian Congress of Sociology "Sociology in the system of scientific management of society". 2-4 February 2012. Moscow. Moscow: IS RAS, 748-749.
Prutskova Elena. 2012. "Religiosity and tolerance of behavior that is disapproved by religions: religious congruence fallacy." 4th Regular All-Russian Sociological Congress “Sociology and society: global challenges and regional development”. Moscow: ROS, 8168-8175.
Prutskova Elena. 2012. "Religiosity and tolerance of behavior that is disapproved by religions: the effect of primary religious socialization (based on European Values Study)." 2nd International Annual LCSR Conference “Social Change in Cross-National Perspective”. Moscow. 6-10 November 2012.
Prutskova Elena, Zabaev Ivan. 2012. "The social activity of Russian Orthodox Church parishes in Russia in the early 21st century: a comparative perspective." Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Networks in the Global World: Structural Transformations in Europe, the US and Russia”. 22-24 June 2012. St. Petersburg. 74.
Prutskova Elena. 2011. "What should social work of Russian Orthodox Church be: sociological survey." XXI Annual theological conference of the St. Tikhon University. 20-22 January 2011. Moscow. Moscow: PSTGU.
Vorontsova Elena. 2010. ""Homo religiosus" v fenomenologii religii." XX Ezhegodnaya Bogoslovskaya konferenciya Pravoslavnogo Svyato-Tihonovskogo Gumanitarnogo Universiteta : Materialy. Vol. 1. 9-14 October 2009. Moscow: PSTGU, 244-246.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2009. "Vision of future of messianic Jews." Vision of future of messianic Jews. М: 48-49.
Vorontsova Elena. 2009. "The study of old believers in the post soviet union square." Study of religion in the post soviet union square. 21-22.02.2009. Minsk. Moscow: Al'kor Pablishers, 54-57.
Krihtova Tatiana. 2008. "Origin of NRM." Religion and society 3: actual problems of modern religion studies: collection of science articles. Mogilev: 22-23.
Krihtova Tatiiana. 2008. "Political party as NRM." Materials of reports XV Internationalconference for students, graduates and young scientists (CD). Lomonosov.
Pavlyutkina Elena, Bychkov D.. 2007. "About technical potential while developing inclusive education model [electronic resource]." Internet conference "NGO input in the social reform: health care, inclusive education and housing" (21.05—18.06.2007), SocPolitika.Ru.
Zabaev Ivan. 2005. "Russian Orthodox Church Monastery and its workers: Responses to the Modernity challenges." Vectors of Contemporary Russia Development (2-nd international conference). Moscow: MSSES, 86-91.