Interviews and publications in the press (in Russian)
Forbes. 2024. "A new sincerity: how do “zoomers” relate to religion and look for their faith options." 09.04.2024.
Kommersant. 2024. "Get married, student. Officials and deputies want to motivate young people to marry while studying." 24.10.2024. 2024. "A long maternity leave, allowances, nannies from the state and baptisms from the patriarch: what measures help improve demographics." 25.12.2024. 2024. "The increase in the divorce fee to 5,000 rubles will not affect the statistics – sociologist." 28.06.2024.
OTR. 2024. "I.V. Pavlyutkin took part in the program "Za Delo" on the channel "Public Television of Russia". The issue was devoted to the topic of having many children." 07.10.2024.
RIA News. 2024. "“We’ve forgotten how to do it.” How to solve one of the main problems of Russia.", 07.01.2024.
Alekseeva Polina. 2023. "Market in relationships. Sociologist Polina Alekseeva - about how Tinder, capitalism and popular psychology turned the search for a couple into a marriage market." Izvestiya, 07.05.2023.
Alekseeva Polina, Filonik Marina. 2023. "Why «Im my own psychologist» is not the best way to get out of the woods and whats wrong with psychologization of society." Foma, 29.07.2023.
Alekseeva Polina. 2023. ""I'm getting married in a month!" - this was the conclusion from my diploma work in sociology." Foma, 21.04.2023.
Kommersant. 2023. "Why Is a Decrease in Religiosity Dangerous?", 18.12.2023.
Covid-19.FOM. 2021. "Church has shown tremendous vitality during the pandemic.", 06.07.2021.
Press-office of Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University. 2021. "Ivan Pavlyutkin: now we have not a reduction in the level of religiosity but a differentiation of groups of believers.", 03.07.2021. 2020. "The first results of a homeless rehabilitation program presented in Moscow.", 29.01.2020.
IQ: Research and Education Website. 2020. "Without a shelter in a metropolis: sociologists compiled a portrait of Moscow homeless people.", 07.04.2020.
Sobolevskaya Olga. 2019. "Three to Ten Why families choose to have more children, more often (review of an article written by Olga Borisova and Ivan Pavlyutkin)." Research and Education Website, 22.01.2019.
Information and service website «Indicator.Ru». 2019. "Urban large families were spitted into groups." Indicator.Ru, 18.11.2019. Research and Education Website. 2019. "Beyond Normal: How Society Judges Large Families (review of Mariia Goleva's article).", 24.09.2019. / Mikheev Alexey. 2019. "Seven months on the street, and you hung.", 9.11.2019.
Simankova Elena, Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2019. "Large families and social contagion (interview with Ivan Pavlyutkin)." Miloserdie.RU, 04.02.2019.
Barsukova Svetlana. 2018. "The authorities finally realized that it is difficult to stimulate childbirth in the country by material incentives." TV program «Reflection», [Russian Public Television, 03.10.2018.
Natitnik Anna. 2018. "'Debtors are easier to manage' (interview with Gregory Yudin)." Harvard Business Review, 31.08.2018.
Obyedkov Andrey. 2018. "American sociologist: People postpone marriagebecause they think about a probable divorce ." Evening Moscow, May 22, 2018.
Press-office of Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University. 2018. "American sociologist Mark Regnerus gave a lecture on Christian marriage in Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University.", May 21, 2018.
Ruvinskiy Vladimir. 2018. "Why do pensioners take credits? (interview with Polina Vrublevskaya)." Vedomosti, 1.10.2018.
Simankova Elena. 2018. "Fathers ask for the birth of children. Why the demographic policy has stalled in? (interview with Ivan Pavlyutkin)." Miloserdie.RU, 24.12.2018.
Emelyanov Nikolay. 2017. "Priest and Confession in Modern Russia: in the perspective of churching." Shepherd. Pastoral seminar, 3.04.17.
Bishop Panteleimon (Shatov). 2017. "How to help people who comes on Holy Saturday to become parishioners." Shepherd, Workshop, 24.02.2017.
Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2017. "The significance of religion in contemporary russian birthrate." Demographic journal, 4.
Yudin Grigoriy. 2017. "Break before the Apocalypse. Political Theology and Modern Politics." Republic.
Kolozaridi Polina. 2016. "From credit debts to gift exchange (Interview with Grigoriy Yudin)." Zapovednik, FOM.
Pavlyutkin Ivan. 2016. "Russian scientists will investigate how social networks affect large families."
Sobolevskaya Olga. 2016. "Social networks influence fertility." Research and Education Website. 01.04.2016.
Bishop Panteleimon (Shatov). 2015. "The lack of people or money are not the main problems of church philanthropy."
Zabaev Ivan. 2015. "Voorzichtige opleving Russisch-Orthodoxe Kerk." [reportage about I.Zabaev’s lecture "Orthodox religiosity in contemporary Russia. Can we talk about a revival?" in Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands in November 2015], Reformatorisch Dagblad. 28.11.2015.
Danilova Julia. 2012. "What Do Numbers Tell About the Believers? (interview with archpriest, N.Emeliyanov)." Neskuchniy Sad, 12 (83).
Yakovleva Elena. 2006. "Bread and water: why did young sociologist work in the monasteries for three months." Rossiiskaya Gazeta, №62 (4028).
Zabaev Ivan. 2006. "Devil tempts with laziness, and you tempt him with a brush." Neskuchnyi Sad, №6 (22).
Tvorogova Svetlana. 2019. "People. Care. Church. Who helps whom and what does it lead to? Social work in Russian orthodox congregations. [Book review] D. A. Oreshina, P. V. Batanova, I. V. Zabaev, E. L. Pavlyutkina (2018) 'Partnerskiy prikhod'." The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 17 (3): 473-477.
Berdysheva Elena. 2016. "Social Sciences. [Book review]: Zabaev I. V., Melkumyan, E. B., Oreshina D. A. et al. (Eds.). The Invisible Church. Social Effects of the Parish Community in Russian Orthodoxy." 269, Moscow: St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University.
Berdysheva Elena. 2015. "[Book review]: Zabaev I. V., Melkumyan, E. B., Oreshina D. A. and others (EDS) (2015) The Invisible Church. Social effects the parish community in Russian Orthodoxy. Moscow: PTGU.".
Kyselov Oleg. 2014. "[Review] Zabev I. Main Categories of Economic Ethic in Modern Russian Orthodoxy: A Sociological Analysis. Moscow: PSTGU, 2012." ESSAYS ON RELIGIOUS STUDIES, 5.
DemoscopeWeekly. 2013. "[Review] Zabaev Ivan, Nikolay Emeliyanov, Ekaterina Pavlenko, Ivan Pavlyutkin. 2012. Family and childbearing in Russia. Categories of parental mind. Moscow: PSTGU.".
Isupova Olga. 2013. "[Review] Zabaev Ivan, Nikolay Emeliyanov, Ekaterina Pavlenko, Ivan Pavlyutkin. 2012. Family and childbearing in Russia. Categories of parental mind. Moscow: PSTGU." Sociological Research, 10, 76-87.
Titaev Kirill. 2013. "Work Ethic as a Mirror for the Russian Orthodox Church: Sociology of Religion in Terms of Sociology of Law. Review "Main Categories of the Work Ethic of Contemporary Russian Orthodox Church: A Sociological Analysis" by Ivan Zabaev (Moscow: PSTGU, 2012)." Russian Sociological Review, 3 (12): Moscow.
Titkov Alexei. 2012. "[Review] Zabaev Ivan. 2012. Categories of Contemporary Russian Orthodox Church Economic Ethics: Sociological Analysis. Moscow: PSTGU." Sociology of Power (8): 167-176.