MA in Sociology
Email ur.le1739473989rcos@1739473989ayaks1739473989ranib1739473989uylan1739473989
SPIN-RSCI: 3036-1116
ORCID: 0000-0003-4373-2394
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- 2020 – Master: Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences (joint program with the University of Manchester), M.A. in Sociology
- 2018 – Bachelor: Chuvash pedagogical state university named after I. Ya. Yakovlev, (Cheboksary)
Research interests
- social anthropology
- urban studies
- family studies
- qualitative research methods
- 2015 – project coordinator of the NGO Agency for Territorial Development of Chuvashia
- 2018 – internship at the Kommersant Publishing House, has several publications on social topics
- 2019 – project manager All-Russian Civil Forum (Fund Dialoge, Moscow)
Lyubinarskaya Nina. 2022. "The Role of “Relational Reflexivity” in Family Relationships: a Case Study on the Example of Two Young Couples." Interaction. Interview. Interpretation. Vol. 14. No. 4, 62-88, DOI:
Lyubinarskaya N. 2020. "Religiosity and meta-reflexivity as interrelated factors affecting the stability
of relationships." Sociology of Religion in the Late Modern Society. A Collection of Articles on the Materials of the IX International Scientific Conference, 184-189.
Lyubinarskaya Nina. 2021. "Family As A Total Institution: How "I" Transforms In Isolation." Abstract book of the 15th Conference of European Sociological Association. 31 August - 3 September 2021. ISBN 978-2-9581586-0-6, 518.
Lyubinarskaya Nina. 2022. "Reason vs Feeling: Appearance of New Ecology of Choice in the Romantic Sphere of the Individual (Book review on Illouz E. 2020. Why Love Hurts? Sociological Explanation, Moscow; Berlin: Direct Media Publishing House. 400 p. (in Russian))." Journal of Economic Sociology = Ekonomicheskaya sotsiologiya. 23(4), Doi: 10.17323/1726-3247-2022-4-9, 96-109.