The monograph “Family, work and religion in the period of self-isolation: according to the 2020 online survey” was published

Due to the implementation of a self-isolation regime (or lockdown) to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection (COVID-19), people had to limit visits to public places, reduce social contacts, and stay at home for a long period. The analytical report presents data that show how Russian Internet users perceived the self-isolation announced in the spring of 2020. The report bases on data of an online survey of 2502 respondents, conducted on April 23-29, 2020 in partnership with the research company «Tiburon Research». The analysis of distributions on the key variables showed differences in the perceptions of the pandemic and the lockdown, in assessments of the quality and dynamics of family relations, in assessments of employment and daily home life, as well as in assessments of religious life during the period of self-isolation.

The book was prepared during the implementation of the project “The Paradox of Interrelation between Religion and Family in Modern Russia” supported by the Russian Science Foundation in a form of a grant (project № 18-78-10089). The grant was given to Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University.

Goleva MariiaMelkumyan ElenaPavlyutkin IvanPrutskova Elena. 2022. Family, Work and Religion in the Period of Self-isolation: According to the 2020 Online Survey. Moscow: PSTGU.

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