Ivan Pavlyutkin and Mariia Goleva participated in Interim Meeting “Extended family relationships: What are they in late modernity?” (21-22 January 2021, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic)

On the 21-22 of January, 2021, an Interim Meeting “Extended family relationships: What are they in late modernity?” of research network “Sociology of Families and Intimate Lives” (RN 13) of European Sociological Association took place in Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.

Mariia Goleva made a presentation “Relational Reflexivity Of Young Spouses: Reflection On Research Methodology” on the session “Couple relationships”. The presentation was prepared within the framework of research-project «How do young families appear and live in modern Russia? Comparison of secular families and priests’ families».

Ivan Pavlyutkin presented a report “Extended Christian Families in Post-Secular Russia. On the Role of Godparenthood and Family-Alliances during the Transition to Parenthood in Families with three and more Children” on a session “Extended family in the making”. The speech was prepared within the framework of the project «The Paradox of Interrelation between Religion and Family in Modern Russia (Research grant RSF)».

Conference program.

Book of abstracts.