PhD in Philosophy
Research fellow and administrator at the “Sociology of Religion” Research Laboratory
Research fellow and administrator at the “Sociology of Religion” Research Laboratory
Email ur.le1737655527rcos@1737655527avort1737655527sokae1737655527
SPIN-RSCI: 8820-6824
ORCID: 0000-0001-7081-9896
ResearcherID: G-8473-2016
Scopus AuthorID: 57205189272
Home pageResearch ProjectsPublicationsIn News
- 2012 - Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Philosophy: Moscow State University
- 2008-2011 – post-graduate student: Moscow State University
- 2008 – Specialist in Philosophy: Moscow State University
Academic interests
- German culture of modernity
- Philosophy of dialogue
- Philosophy of religion
- Toleration and religious dialogue
- The problem of the Other in modern philosophy
In foreign languages
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2019. "La famiglia come triade: Jean-Luc Marion e gli studi sulla famiglia." La bellezza della famiglia in Italia e in Russia: problemi e soluzioni, 94-99, ISBN 978-88-98080-30-4. Pharus Editore Librario. Livorno, Italia.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2018. "The Dyad and the Third Party: The Traces of Simmel’s Distinction in Phenomenology and Family Studies." AVANT, 9 (2): 187-202.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2018. "The “Ought”-Dimension in Value Theory: The Concept of the Desirable in John Dewey’s Definition of Value and Its Significance for the Social Sciences." Philosophy of Science / eds. A. Christian, D. Hommen, N. Retzlaff, G. Schurz. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 171-185.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2023. "Trans. from German: Luhmann Niklas. Das Kind als Medium der Erziehung." (ed. Zabaev Ivan), Moscow: PSTGU.
Kostrova Elizaveta. (ed.). 2019. Trans. from English: Donati Pierpaolo. Relational Theory of Society: A Critical Realist Perspective on Social Life. Moscow: PSTGU.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2019. "Trans. from English: Donati P. The enigma of the social relationship: prolegomena to a realist relational sociology." Donati, Pierpaolo «Relational Theory of Society: A Critical Realist Perspective on Social Life», 242-292, Moscow: PSTGU.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2018. "Trans. from English: Donati P. The enigma of the social relationship: prolegomena to a realist relational sociology." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology, 75 (1): 81-101.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2017. "Transl. to russian: Sunden, Hjalmar. «Die Religion und die Rollen: Eine psychologische Untersuchung der Frommigkeit [Kap.1]»." Modern Western Psychology of Religion: A Reader, 27–58, Moscow: PSTGU, 2017.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2017. "Transl. to russian: Wikstrom, Owe. «Attribution, Roles and Religion: A Theoretical Analysis of Sunden's Role Theory of Religion and the Attributional Approach to Religious Experience»." Modern Western Psychology of Religion: A Reader, 116-33, Moscow: PSTGU, 2017.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2017. "Transl. to russian: Wikstrom, Owe. «Possession as Role-Taking»." Modern Western Psychology of Religion: A Reader, 71-83, Moscow: PSTGU, 2017.
Zabaev Ivan, Kostrova Elizaveta. 2014. "Trans. from German: Luckman Thomas. An Afterword to the German Edition of The Invisible Religion." Russian Sociological Review, 1 (13): 139-154, Moscow.
Zabaev Ivan, Kostrova Elizaveta. 2023. "The Russian Paradox of Religion and Fertility. Specification of the Problem and Development of an Explanatory Hypothesis." Vestnik Pravoslavnogo Sviato-Tikhonovskogo gumanitarnogo universiteta. Seriia I : Bogoslovie. Filosofiia. Religiovedenie. Iss. 108, 89-111, DOI: 10.15382/sturI2023108.89-111 (in Russian).
Zabaev Ivan, Kostrova Elizaveta, Goleva Mariia. 2022. "Samorealizatsiya i deti: logiki ispol'zovaniya prostranstva v narrativakh rossiyanok [Self-realization and Children: Logics of Space Usage in the Narratives of Russian Women]." The Russian Sociological Review. 21(3), Doi: 10.17323/1728-192x-2022-3-1, 127-154.
Zabaev Ivan, Kostrova Elizaveta. 2020. "Ethos versus Habitus: the Ethical Component in Max Weber’s “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”
." Sociology of Power, 32 (4): 45-67, Doi: 10.22394/2074-0492-2020-4-45-67.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2018. "Objective hermeneutics: problems and prospects." Sotsiologiya 4M (Sociology: methodology, procedures and mathematical models). Т. 46. № 1, 123-158.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2017. "Economy and the Other: borders between two worlds in work of H.Arendt and E. Levinas." Chelovek, 65-76.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2017. "The sacred and violence: The ethicization of religion in Levinas's philosophy." The South pole. Studies in history of the contemporary Western philosophy, 3 (1): no.4, 40-48.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2016. "Some aspects of the role of religion in the public sphere." Researches in Religious Studies, 1 (13): 190-199.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2011. "Infinite responsibility as the basis for sociality in Levinas’ philosophy." MSU bulletin, Series VII: Philosophy (4): 26-37.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2011. "Revelation as a dialogue: The God and the Man in the “Star of Redemption” by F.Rosenzweig." Philosophical sciences (7): 110-118.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2011. "The God as the Other in philosophy of F.Rosenzweig, F.Ebner, M.Buber." KSU bulletin, 3 (17): 52-56.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2019. "Empathy Versus Humility: Three Ways To Deal With The Other
." Paper presented at the conference Engaging the Contemporary 2019: the Philosophical Turn towards Religion. November 7-8, 2019. University of Malta. Booklet of Abstracts: 61.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2018. "The concept of value and norm in modern social sciences: between theory and empiry." Ekaterinburg: Delovaya kniga, 40-44.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2017. "Religious Foundations of Power in Agamben and Foucault." Religion(s) and Power(s). International Conference. October 5-6, 2017. Book of Abstracts. Kaunas: 12.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2017. "The Third Party: Interpretations and Meaning in Phenomenology and Science." Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology. Book of Abstracts. Warsaw: 37-38.
Kostrova Elizaveta. 2014. "[Review]Matovina T. Latino Catholicism. Transformation in America’s Largest Church. Princeton; Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2012. 328 p." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology, 6 (56): 136-140.
Kostrova Elizabeth. 2013. "[Review] The Power of Religion in the Public Sphere / E. Mendieta, J. Vanantwerpen, eds. N. Y.: Columbia University Press, 2011. 128 p." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology, 5 (49): 142-145.
Zabaev Ivan, Kostrova Elisabeth. 2013. "[Review] The Public Significance of Religion / L. J. Francis, H.-G. Ziebertz, eds. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2011 (Empirical Studies in Theology; 20)." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology, 6 (50): 132-137.
Working Papers
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