Research fellows of research laboratory “Sociology of Religion” participated at the International Scientific Online Forum “Research Results of Sociology – 2021″ (February 16-18, 2022)
Ivan Pavlyutkin made a presentation at the VI International Conference of Faculty of Social Sciences, Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University “The life-world of a modern Russian student: from liberalism to conservatism?”
International workshop on the project «The Paradox of Interrelation between Religion and Family in Modern Russia (Research grant RSF)» (3 October 2019, Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University)
Dr. Matteo Moscatelli’s lectures at Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University (28 30 May 2019)
Practical Ecclesiology after the Second Vatican Council. Research Seminar at the Theological Faculty of St.Tikhon’s University with the participation of prof. P. Zulehner and prof. P. Neuner (10-12 July, 2018)
June 5-9, 2018, T. Krikhtova researcher of the Laboratory researcher took part in the conference “Religion and Medicine: from Antiquity to Our Days”
On the 16th-21st of May Mark Regnerus visited Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University
October, 13 the workshop on the project “The Global Recession in Christian Marriage: What it Means for Families, Nations, and the Church” held in “Sociology of Religion” laboratory
29-31of May Giovanna Rossi visited PSTGU and took part in research project of “Sociology of Religion”
3d Workshop of the project “Religion and patterns of social and economic organization” 19-24th September. University of Bern. Switzerland