Religiosity influence on norms and values in Russia and European countries. Research grant: RFBR 14-06-31188


Research Grant: RFBR 14-06-31188

Duration of the project: 2014 -2015

Project coordinator: Elena Prutskova

Research team: Elena Melkumyan


About the project

Relevant publications

Melkumyan Elena, Prutskova Elena. 2015. "A parishioner of the Russian Orthodox Church as an expert, describing his parish (based on Orthodox Monitor)." Religion and / or everyday life: IV International Scientific Conference “Religion and / or everyday life”, Ed. by S. I. Shatravskiy, M. V. Kazmiruk. April 16-18. Minsk: RIVSH: 154-160.

Pavlyutkin Ivan, Prutskova Elena, Melkumyan Elena. 2015. "Civic effects of higher education in Russia: religiosity, social capital and the ‘pure teaching effect’ of educational programmes." Tertiary Education and Management, 21 (3): 215-228.

Prutskova Elena. 2015. "Association of Religiosity with Norms and Values. The Factor of Religious Socialization." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology, 3 (59): 62-80.

Prutskova Elena. 2014. "Religiosity and basic values in European countries: the effect of primary religious socialization." In XIV April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. Vol.3. ed. by E. Yasin, 527-536, Moscow: NRU-HSE.

Prutskova Elena. 2014. "Religiosity and values in Europe: National context and religious socialization effect ." The 22nd Nordic Conference for Sociology of Religion Change and Continuity – Religion, State, Civil Society. Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen (P.29).

Prutskova Elena. 2014. "Religious Socialization: The Problem of Conceptualization and Analysis on Micro- and Macro- Level ." In Sociology of religion in the Late Мodern society: a collection of articles based on the Fourth International Conference. NRU "BelSU", September 12, 2014 / Ed. Ed. SD Lebedev, Belgorod: ID "Belgorod" NRU "BelSU".

Prutskova Elena. 2013. "Religiosity and its consequences in the sphere of norms and values." Sociological Journal, 2, 72-88.

Zabaev Ivan, Prutskova Elena. 2013. "Factors of community development at Russian Orthodox Church parishes in the beginning of the 21st century. A survey of priests, parishioners, and social workers of Moscow parishes." Moscow State University Bulletin, Series 18. Sociology and Political Science, 115-125.

Prutskova Elena, Zabaev Ivan. 2012. "The community of the Orthodox parish church: space, place, and the formative factors of the parish community with Moscow as an example." Vestnik PSTGU. Series I: Theology, 3 (41): 57-67.

Prutskova Elena. 2012. "The Concept of Religiosity: Operationalization in Empirical Research." State, Religion and Church in Russia and Worldwide, 2 (30): 268-293.

Zabaev Ivan, Oreshina Daria, Prutskova Elena. 2012. Three Moscow parishes: main socio-demographic characteristics and attitudes of the large parish communities members. Moscow: PSTGU (Reissued in 2016).