Homeless People in Russian Megapolis: Socio-Demographic Portrait, Trajectories of Getting into the Street and Attitudes to the Charitable Organisations’ Help

Duration the project: December 1st 2018 – November 30th 2019

Project coordinator: Darya Oreshina

Research team: Valeriya Elagina, Tatiana Krihtova, Polina Vrublevskaya

Cooperation: “Miloserdie” (Russian Orthodox Church Charitable Service)

About the project

The project is aimed at the sociological investigation of the problem of homelessness in Russian Megapolises. Empirical research concerns the following questions:

- socio-demographic characteristics of the people who got into the street in the course of life difficulties;

- the trajectories of getting into the street;

- homeless’ attitudes to helping practices of Charitable organizations and volunteers in Moscow;

- areas of help, corresponding to the specifics of homeless people life situation.

The research includes the survey of people, turning for help to “Angar Spasenia” – charitable project, providing social help for homeless people in Moscow. 700 questionnaires are to be completed in 2019. The results of the research will be presented in the form of analytical report at the final workshop in 2019.
Our sociological research is conducted in the framework of a complex project «Investigation of the factors, contributing to the successful employment and social integration of the people in difficult life situation». The project is managed by Russian Orthodox Church Charitable Service “Miloserdie” with the support by Russian Federation President’s Foundation (grant № 18-2-016357). The project goals are (1) to develop and probe the program of rehabilitation and social integration for the people, got into the street in the course of difficult life situation; (2) to provide social services for homeless people.

In January 2019, a pilot study was conducted and a final survey questionnaire was developed.

From February to August 2019, a questionnaire survey of visitors to the “Angar Spaseniya” was conducted. 702 people took part in the survey. 19 researchers from PSTGU, Higher School of Economics, European University in St. Petersburg, MSSES, Moscow State University and Russian State Humanitarian University participated interviewers.

Between September and November 2019, an analytical report and presentation were prepared.

The report includes the classification of respondents according to various criteria, and the analysis of the rehabilitation potential of each of the groups

The results of the study were presented at an open meeting organised by Russian Orthodox charity organisation «Miloserdie» in the «Blagosfera» space on November 27, 2019 (see News).


IQ: Research and Education Website as part of the XXI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development >>>

Laboratory fellow-researcher Tatiana Krihtova made a report at the Center for Independent Sociological Research (St. Petersburg), in which she spoke about the results of the project “Homeless in the Russian metropolis” >>>

Daria Oreshina made a report at the Christmas Readings on the results of the study “Homeless people in the Russian Megapolis” on On December 28, 2020 >>>

Daria Oreshina presented the results of the study “Homeless people in Russian megapolis: socio-demographic portrait, trajectories of getting into the street and attitude to the charitable organisation’s help” >>>

Members of research laboratory participated in XIII All-Russian Scientific Conference in memory of Yuriy Levada “Modern Russian Society and Sociology” (23 April, 2019) >>>


Homeless People in Russian Megapolis: Socio-Demographic Portrait, Trajectories of Getting into the Street and Attitudes to the Charitable Organisations’ Help: analytical report on the results of a survey of visitors to the Angara salvation (2019) >>>

Presentation of project results «Homeless People in Russian Megapolis: Socio-Demographic Portrait, Trajectories of Getting into the Street and Attitudes to the Charitable Organisations’ Help» >>>