September 20-21, 2017, Belgorod State University hosted the annual international scientific conference “Sociology of religion in society of late modernity: Religion, education, international integration”.
On September, 20, researchers of our laboratory presented two papers. Daria Oreshina presented a report “Social work of the Orthodox Church in contemporary Russia: the problem of it’s scope and parish involvement evaluation” prepared in the framework of the large-scale project “Russian Orthodox Church Social Work: evaluation of quantitative characteristics”.
Elena Prutskova presented a report “Modified S. Huber’s Centrality of Religiosity Scale: pre-test results”. The study is based on the data obtained in the framework of the project: “Religion and patterns of social and economic organization. Elective affinity between religion and economy in Christian denominations in Switzerland and Russia”.
On September, 21, Kirill Markin, a researcher of the scientific laboratory, presented a report “The influence of religiosity on the civic position in Russia (based on “Orthodox Monitor” research) within the special section “The Religious Factor in Eurasian Integration”.
All reports were supported by PSTGU Development Foundation in 2017.