Researches from St. Tikhon’s University Tatiana Krihtova and Kirill Aleksin participated at the annual conference on the Russian Studies in the Finnish capital. This international forum gathers researchers and experts in the social sciences, law and economics at the University of Helsinki. The event is organized by the Aleksanteri Institute and the Center for Advanced Studies Centre of Excellence in Russian Studies Choices of Russian Modernisation. The topic of the year 2016: «Life and Death in Russia». Reseachers of Kirill and Tatyana were presented within the section «Church and Local Community» 27 October.
Report K. Alexina Fathers Families: Spiritual Guides and Spiritual Succession in Russian Parishes was dedicated to the pastoral
traditions and networks emerged in Russia in the XX century.
T. Krihtova report Time-Budget of Modern Russian Orthodox Priest presented the results of the project “Methods of pastoral action: analysis of budgets priests time”, implemented with the support of PSTGU Development Fund.