Conference of the Research Laboratory “Sociology of Religion” (December, 27, 2024)

On the 28th of June, 2024, Conference of the Research Laboratory “Sociology of Religion” was held at St.Tikhon’s Orthodox University. Research fellows of the Laboratory presented the results of their completed research or the research projects that are currently in the early stages of implementation.
A six reports were presented at the conference:

  • A.V. Zueva and S.P. Bankovskaya. Confession as a way of constituting the community of the Orthodox Church. Review of the project.
  • V.S. Elagina. “Living Communities”: the conceptual framework of the monograph on the materials of field research 2021-2024.
  • Deacon D.A. Markov presented the draft of the author’s abstract of the Ph.D. thesis on childbearing in priestly families.
  • E.V. Prutskova and V.A. Tazin. S. Glaze’s God-abandonment scale: psychometric characteristics of the Russian-language version of the instrument.
  • E.V. Prutskova. Moscow temples of Programme-200: competition for parishioners or religious revival? (on the example of two neighbouring temples in Perovo).
  • At the end of the conference, I.V. Zabaev focused on the Laboratory’s organisational and strategic plans for 2025.